Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I woke up to bright lights beaming down at me. I could feel myself being in a lying position, and I realised that I must be in the hospital. What happened? Why am I in the hospital? Why am I wearing an ugly hospital gown?

I looked around me, feeling rather panicked. I couldn't remember what had happened, and everything seemed overbearing for some reason. The lights are too bright; I could hear doctors out in the hallway, everything.

"Mom." I breathed; she had entered before I even saw her coming. It's like I knew she was coming somehow.

"Oh, thank God, you're awake." Mom rushed over to me in her doctor's uniform, looking at me with full of concern. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Confused," I admitted. "W—What happened?"

"You—" She stutters out; I could sense that she was feeling overwhelmed. It felt like I was overwhelmed, too. "Someone attacked you. Along with Lydia Martin."

"I was?" I asked quietly. "I don't remember."

She looked at me softly. I felt her pity. "Thank God Jackson was there to save you both... You almost died, Paige."

I was Gobsmacked. "What?"

"It's okay, love, you're here now. So, just rest." Mom strokes my hair softly, smiling. "Do you need anything?"

"No... I don't think so," I frowned.

"Oh, by the way, your friends are here." Mom informed, and I nodded.

"Is Allison here?" I asked quietly.

"She is, I can get her for you if you want?" Mom questioned.

"Yeah—Wait, what about Lydia, is she okay?" I asked.

Mom frowned sadly. "She's fine... Yeah. She's okay. Woke up yesterday."

I nodded. "Okay, please send Allison in." Mom agreed and kissed my forehead before leaving. I fiddle with my hands nervously and felt a bandage on my right hip. I frowned and lifted up my hospital gown, exposing my side. I checked the bandage, ripping it slowly.

I was completely fine. There was no mark or anything. No blood, nothing. I ripped the bandage off completely, there were blood stains on the bandage, however, but no mark on my skin.


The door opens, and Allison was there, looking worried. "Hey, Paige." She greets me, closing the door behind her and walking over to the side of my bed, sitting down carefully. "How are you feeling?"

"Um, slightly confused. I don't remember what happened." I tell her. "Do you know what happened?"

"I..." Allison's mouth closed. She seemed conflicted. "You were bitten, Paige."

"Bitten? What?" I asked, growing more confused. "Bitten...? Did a cannibal—"

"No, Peter bit you." Allison cuts me off, and that's when it all came back to me in one hit. It was Peter Hale who had attacked Lydia on the field that night. We were looking for Jackson. "It's okay, I know about the Supernatural now."

"You do?" I asked, surprised. "What? How?"

"Uh... I found out on the night of the school dance." She admits. "Scott's a werewolf. It kind of makes sense now."

"Are you okay with it?" I questioned.

She shrugged. "I mean, I'm fine with it, but my Dad is not. He's forbidden us from dating, but we're secretly dating now. Um... We killed Peter. Well, Derek did; he's an Alpha now. A—And Peter killed my Aunt, Kate."

"I'm so sorry," I spoke, my tone dropping a little.

She looked away from me. "I'm conflicted about her death. I'm not sure if I should be sad, mad, or even happy. She's killed lots of innocent people. She even kidnapped and tortured Derek. I'm sorry if this is all a little too much information, by the way."

"No, it's fine, I need to know what happened. I feel totally out of the loop." I admitted. "And wait—If I'm bitten, doesn't that make me, you know... A werewolf too?"

"I—I think so." Allison breathed out. "How do you feel?"

"Um, everything's kind of overwhelming. I can hear a lot clearer, my heart's beating really fast, I feel... Different." I tried to explain my feelings.

"Paige, I promise I'm going to do the best I can to help you through this," Allison promised me and I smiled a little. "We all will. Me, Scott, and Stiles. I'm beginning to train to be a hunter, but I don't want to be. You're my best friend, and Scott's my boyfriend, I can't kill either of you."

"It's okay," I assured her. "I'll help you through this, too." She smiled at me. I let out a shaky breath. "Does this mean I'm going to wolf out on the full moon?"

Her face pales. "I'm not sure, you're gonna have to ask Derek. He's the Alpha now."

"I guess I might have to," I murmured. "If he's helped Scott, he can help me, too."

Allison's phone rings. "It's Stiles; I've got to go. But I'll see you soon, okay?" I nodded helplessly. "Bye, Paige."

"Bye, Allie," I whispered as she left the room, answering her phone, and I never felt more alone. Every single sense I have feels stronger. I can smell the french fries from the cafeteria, and my mouth is watering. I can hear the doctors talking about patients. It's all new and scary.

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