Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter Forty-Two

Scott and I have food to bring to Melissa and my Mom a week later. It was hectic in the hospital, and Melissa was shouting as she had a hand on the patience's stomach. I couldn't find my Mom anywhere.

"Oh, thank God. I'm starving." Melissa came up to us, took the food away from her son and hurries around the reception counter to unwrap it. "Sorry, sorry." Rushing back around, she kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you for bringing dinner. Your Mom's currently doing surgery, but I can give it to her once she's out, if you'd like?" Melissa offered me.

I held it cautiously. "Are you sure you won't eat it all?" I teased her.

She rolled her eyes. "Ha-ha." She takes it from me and puts it behind the counter.

"Everything okay?" Scott questioned her.

"Except for half the victims of a ten car-pile up being rerouted to us from downtown and the ER Attending not answering any of his pages? Yeah, I'm okay. Slightly, somewhat okay." Melissa nodded.

"What does "not answering pages" mean?" I asked her.

"It means no one can find him. Now we're waiting for the On-Call to get here." Melissa explained.

An accident victim clutching her stomach reaches out to Melissa. "Miss? Excuse me? I could really use something for the pain." The girl states in a shaky voice.

"I know and I'm sorry, but giving you something could actually complicate things. We really need to wait for the doctor." Melissa tells her kindly. She looks at the receptionist. "How far out is Dr. Hilyard?"

"Ten minutes." She replies.

Doors pushing open, two paramedics pull in another victim, head in a neck brace. Stepping out of the way, Scott took a seat next to the miserable Accident Victim, and I took another beside her. You know, I think I read online sometimes just a little human contact can help with the pain." Scott suggested, and I nodded.

The Victim can barely respond with a nod. Glancing about to see no one is watching, Scott places his hand on her forearm. Black veins ripple underneath the skin of Scott's hand. I do the same with her other hand, taking more. I winced slightly. Her pain was unbearable, poor lady.

The Accident Victim draws a quick breath. But then relaxes, all of the tension fading. She looks at us, astonished as the doors clang open. Arm around Danny, struggling to keep him on his feet, Ethan looks up.

I sat up, alerted. "I need help!" Ethan called out painfully.

Scott, Melissa, and I rushed to help. "Gentle, gentle," Melissa tells us as Danny groans in pain, trying to sit him down.

I grabbed Ethan's shoulder, turning him to me, and I glare at him. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing. He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing. But it just kept getting worse—" Danny can barely hold his head up as Melissa looks him over. "What is it? Is he dying?"

"Shut up." Scott snaps.

"I said I didn't do anything—"

"The three of you, back off." Melissa snaps at us. Her voice makes us all retreat. Turning her attention back to Danny, she feels at the side of his neck. "Okay, that's not good." She looked at the receptionist again. "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard? His larynx is shifting to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax..."

Lurching forward, Danny crumbles to his knees on the floor. They move to help, but his head reels back and he opens his mouth wide to vomit. A visious white fluid pours from Danny's mouth.

LYCANTHROPY 》𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓈𝓀𝒾Where stories live. Discover now