Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

I woke up the sound of the bus squealing to a holt. I opened my eyes to see that were still on the bus where we had been for the past five hours. There had been a massive traffic line, and I was not in the mood for it today. But, we had a cross-country meet way further out in Beacon Hills, so it was a schools trip—which means no school for today. Thank God.

I glanced to my right, seeing Stiles starring down at his tablet, with our hands secretly intertwined. I gave him a sleepy smile when he connected our eyes, my heart hammering.

"Hey, sleepy head." Stiles coos. Neither of us had really had the time to talk about what we are. But, ever since that night there had been stolen kisses every now and then, but privately. I hadn't had the time to talk to Lydia and Allison about it, either. Not since that night.

"What're you doing?" I rest my head on his shoulder. We were sat at the very back. Scott was sitting in the seat in front of us, resting his head on the window pain. I gently pressed my lips on the back of his hand that was intertwined with mine, giving myself goosebumps.

"Trying to keep Scott awake." He tells me. "And trying to study with him at the same time. Fall back asleep, yeah? You need it."

I shook my head against his shoulder. "No, I've been sleeping since we got on. Let me join in the study." I let go of our hands and moved forward, but Stiles puts his hand on my thigh, causing me to tense slightly. It felt nice. A little too nice... "Hey, Scotty." I tapped his shoulder.

Slowly, but surely, he moved his head towards me, giving me a tired look. "Hi, Paige. How was your nap?"

"Wonderful. How's trying to stay awake?" I asked him, proping my elbows on the back of his head rest.

"Fanstastic." He sarcastically mumbled.

"Okay." Stiles interrupted us, leaning forward slightly. His hand slowly lowering towards my vagina. I shoot Stiles a look and he gives me a small smirk. He knows what he's doing, and I'm going to pay him back. He taps on his tablet, moving the screen across. "Anachronism." Stiles continues.

"Something that exists out of its normal time." Scott explained.

"Nice. Next word: Incongruous." Stiles continued.

"Um... can you use it in a sentence?" Scott asked.

"Sure. It's completely incongruous for us to be on this stupid bus headed to some useless cross country meet after what just happened." Stiles spoke.

"Out of place. Ridiculous. Absurd." Scott listed.

"Perfect. Next word: Darach." Stiles slides in. I rolled my eyes. Scott gives him an off look. "We gotta' talk about it sometime. And we're going to be here for the next five frigging hours." But Scott turns to the window and the passing landscape. "Fine. Next word: Intransigent."

"Stubborn, obstinate—" The bus hits a bump and Scott sits up with a gasp.

"You okay?" I asked Scott gently.

He nods, but with a pained expression. "We shouldn't have come." Stiles decided.

"We had to. There's safety in numbers." Scott pointed out.

"There's also death in numbers. They call it a massacre." Stiles had a good point. I wish I hadn't had come. "Bloodbath, carnage, slaughter..." He trails off when he notices Scott barely listening, chest rising with labored breaths. "I'm getting Coach to stop the bus."

"No, I'm all right." Scott protested.

"You don't look all right." Stiles gives him a look.

"Yeah, Scotty, please..." I tried but he doesn't listen.

LYCANTHROPY 》𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓈𝓀𝒾Where stories live. Discover now