Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

Lying still against Stiles's bed, I thought about what had happened for the past few weeks. Everything seemed to go back to normal. Well, as normal as it can be. There was no more sacrificing. There were no more Alpha packs. Melissa, Deaton, Noah, and Argent seemed to have made it.

My Dad and I are closer now that he knows about the supernatural. He's been accommodating and supportive.

My sister is here.

She moved here last week, and she took her old room, which was my room, and now I'm back to living in my old room. It had no fabulous wardrobe; it was a super dull office room that was soon to be transformed into my bedroom again. That's sort of the reason why I've been staying at Stiles' house most nights. Not only to get away from my sister but also to have a bed.

I curl to my side, eyeing the glowing lamp that was turned on beside me. Stiles was dead asleep, which still amazed me. Tonight I couldn't fall asleep. We had a two-week break from school, and now we're going back to school tomorrow. And by we, I mean me. I took two weeks off. I had to attend Sam's funeral at that time, and I actually needed a break from everything, and my parents understood.

Well, my Dad more so than my Mom. It took hours of convincing.

I was nervous, yet excited, yet absolutely dreading it. I hated school. I have never hated something so much in my life.

My eyes flickered to the time. It was 2.00 AM in the morning. I turned back around, facing Stiles. I begin to close my eyes until he decided to wake up with a yell. I jumped up in surprise, my eyes snapping open at the constant yelling.

His eyes were darting towards me, pressing himself against the wall. "Stiles—"

"Get away from me." He snapped harshly and my face fell. I tried to move closer. "No... I mean it. Stay away." He held out a hand, and reached out in front of him, trying to keep the distance. He looked frightened and my heart hurt at how serious he sounded.

Suddenly, the door opened and Noah bursts through, his eyes darting between us. He rushes to his son who was pressed against the wall, curled away from me. Noah wrapped his son up in his arms. "It's okay, Stiles." His face was sweating and his eyes welled up with tears; it hurt me to see him like this.

This wasn't the first time he'd been having nightmares.

Every time, he'd scream at me to stay away. And every time, he wouldn't tell me what his nightmares are about.

Stiles seemed to calm down, I could hear his heartbeat slowing down and his face is fall of regret. I know he doesn't mean it. It was his nightmare causing all of this. 

He reached out, and I grabbed his hand, telling him it was okay. He looked between us, his panting beginning to come standard. He pulls out of his father's embrace and reaches out for me instead. He pulls me in close to him and I wrapped my arms around him, one hand on his head and the other on his back. Our chests were close.

Noah smiled softly. "I'll see you two in the morning."

"Thanks, Noah," I whispered back as he leaves. Stiles continued to stay hugging me. "We can't hug forever."

"Yes, we can." Stiles stubbornly says. "I don't want to fall asleep again."

"I get that, I do... But you know we need to." I softly told him. Despite me not being able to sleep, I didn't care. He needs to sleep. "Hey," I cupped his face softly. "The next time you get a nightmare, I'll wake you up before it happens, okay?"

Stiles nodded, his hands grabbing mine from his face. He leans forward and kisses me. "You know I don't mean it, right?"

"Yeah, I know." 

LYCANTHROPY 》𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓈𝓀𝒾Where stories live. Discover now