Chapter 4

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Walking to the coffee shop, I am exhausted, and I can tell that today is going to be a hard day. I know that I will need to have a coffee during my shift. My body feels like it can't take any more stress, I feel like I am going crazy, but I know I am not. My father has put me through hell, the fact that I can't settle anywhere or get close to anyone without knowing that I will need to leave is not something I want to think about.

My thoughts go back to my shift yesterday, and the really hot guy I saw. I wonder if someone like him would ever be interested in someone like me. Shaking the thoughts away, I wouldn't be able to start anything with him or anyone. One day I would have to leave, how would I explain to them that I have to go and that I can't stay. What if they make it harder or even worse, tell my father where I am going. I roll my eyes at my thoughts and continue walking. I would've called out, but I need to save as much as I can in case I need to leave again. I found this place by accident. I was riding the bus as far away from my father as possible, I took 5 different buses and as far as I could go.

I remember when I first came here, and I didn't think I would be able to find an apartment with low rent, and the thought of finding a job scared me half to death. Not that I didn't want to work or have a job, but it would be the first job that I would ever have. You see, I wasn't aloud to work because my father knew that if I did, then I could leave. I wanted one throughout high school, but I couldn't have one. Most people would say, why didn't I go to the police with everything that was going on, but how could I? Would they have believed me? And, what would happen to me if I did go to the police?

Before my thoughts can keep going deeper into my past, I arrive at work. I go in the back and set my bag down and grab my apron. After clocking in, I start restocking everything we will need before the rush hits. We always get one when we open and then around noon. The rest of the day should be easier.

I hear Angelica walking up to the register to clock in. She is lucky that she gets to be the one making coffee today. I sigh, and turn around, "Hey, how are you this morning?" I ask her and smile.

"Good, I was so not ready to start the day today. I feel so tired. How are you?" She asks, looking down at me. My 5' frame is short compared to her 5'5".

"I feel you on the tired part." I say, "I'm good though, I need a coffee before we start today, do you want me to make you one?" I ask.

"Yes please!" Her enthusiasm is something that I like about her. I smile and nod and start making our coffee's. The shop doesn't open for a few more minutes, so we should be good to go. I hum to the music playing as I get the coffee's done.

After a few minutes, we sit down and drink them while making small talk. The silence is comforting, and the sunrise this morning is well worth the crappy night of sleep. Sighing, at the time we both get up and go put our coffee's under the counter, I head over to the door and unlock it and flip the sign to open. I head back over to the register and get ready to take orders. I hope that I don't stutter today, I want to go one day without doing that.

The bell above rings and a group walks in, they look like they are going to college. I take their order and give them change. Once I am done taking their order, I go help Angelica out with their coffee's since there is about 5 of them.

The day goes by pretty quick and before I know I am already home. Thanking the gods above, I move to get into comfortable clothing and start making dinner with some music in the background. I need to get another job that will pay me in cash so I can work on the funds faster. I don't want to leave without having money. I am going to need to get a car, since a bus is easier to track than if I was just to have a car and drive off when I need to.

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