Chapter 11 Bryson

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I sit at the bar stool at the counter watching her cook. There is something about her that makes me feel good. We haven't known each other long but she is the sweetest person I have ever met. I want to know everything about her but she hasn't really opened up to me. I want her to tell me everything. I like the way that she blushes, god I could die happy.

She turns around and catches me looking at her. I smile at her as she blushes. "Do you want something to drink?" She asks. I shake my head no, but what I really want to say is only if it's your lips. I watch as she gets a cup and fills it with water and passes it over to me. I smile at her.

"Thank you." She nods her head shyly and turns around to continue cooking. I continue watching her like a creep. She has the most beautiful hair, I just want to run my hands through it. I wonder if she would find that creepy. After a few minutes, I watch as she huffs and puts her hair up into a really messy ponytail, or whatever it's called. I adjust my pants at the thought of what I would do with it. I shake my head of the dirty thoughts and continue watching her cook.

"Do you need any help?" I ask, I feel like an ass just sitting here and not helping her. She shakes her head at me and smiles.

"You are my guest, you just sit there and look good." She blushes 10 shades of pink, "I mean, like, relax or something." She turns around quickly and starts working on the potatoes. I smile at the thought that she thinks I look good. I have dated before, but she is something that is so cute. I remember when she first ran into me, I looked down at her, and the first thought that came to my head was how cute she is, and tiny of course.

Seeing her so shy makes me smile at her. I decide to tease her just a little, so I can see the blush more, "So you think I'm good-looking?" I ask her.

She turns around and gives a dead pan look, "Yes, I just didn't mean to say that out load." She mumbles the last part.

"Well, I think you are beautiful." I say, she whips her head around so fast I think she is going to get whiplash.

"You do?" She asks, and looks at me like she doesn't believe me. Does she not get compliments? Did her parents not tell her how pretty she was or have her friends tell her that she is gorgeous?

"Yes, I thought you were from the moment you bumped into me." I say, "I remember when I first saw you run off, I wanted to chase you to get to know you, but you were gone." I say.

"I was late for work. Plus, I was embarrassed." She said. I look up and down her body. She is so tiny. I wonder if she misses a lot of meals. I need to make sure that she is fed. I decided to quickly text my chef and let her know that she needs to make an extra meal, so I can give it to her when I drop by and get my morning coffee.

After the food is ready, we eat and talk for a while. She tells me more about what she wants to do and what she wants to go to school. Business is a good idea, you can do so much with a degree in that. After we are done, she gets our dishes and washes them, I help by drying them and her telling me where they go.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" She asks me, I nod my head yes, even though I know I need to get home and finish some paper work. "I only have a t.v in my room, if you don't mind that." She says, and looks down at her hands as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I don't mind, what movie do you want to watch?" She smiles at me and walks to her room. I don't know what movie we are going to watch, but whatever we watch, I don't mind as long as we are sitting next to each other. Once we get comfortable and she picks the movie. We lay down under the blanket and watch it. Before we know, we are both asleep.


Suprise! we have Bryson! Sorry for the short chapter! I will make the next one way better promise. Thank you for the votes and the likes. I am so excited regarding this book. <3

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