Chapter 19

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I woke up after the best sleep ever, no nightmares, no thoughts on what's going to happen, and the best part was I had a handsome guy cuddling me. I blushed and he pulled me closer to him. I needed to get up and get ready for the day. I have things to do today. Plus, I need to go clean my place since I don't work today. But maybe I'll stay, just for a little bit. I wiggle out from under his arms and go down to the kitchen. I decided to make him some breakfast, he always cares about me.

I put on some country music and started cooking some breakfast, I danced to the music as I cut up some vegetables. The eggs are already to go all I need is the vegetables to be added on. I put the pan on the stove and waited for it to warm up. Once it has been warmed up, I add some of the egg then put the vegetables in as well, to finish up I add the rest of the eggs, salt and pepper. While it cooks, I dance around more.

As I plate the food and get the drinks out, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Once he rounds the corner I look up and catch his eye, "I hope I didn't wake you up. I was just making you some breakfast; I hope you don't mind." I say as my voice trails off. I feel embarrassed, I didn't even ask him to use his things.

"It looks amazing, I can't wait to try it." He says, walking closer to me and giving me a kiss and a hug. I blush and smile. We go and sit at the counter to have breakfast. We talked about what the plans for the day are and how our sleep was. I listen to him tell me about the business deals that are coming up. I know that he is going to be traveling again, the thought makes me sad, I don't want him to go. But I brush that away and decide to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves.

"Where are you going this time?" I asked him, giving him a small smile. He looks over at me, I can see the surprise in his eyes. I wonder if anyone else has asked him about where he is going and actually cared.

"I am going to Greece, there is a new hotel that my friend is going to be building, we want to make sure that it is ready to go and that everything is ready to go. We want to get that started as soon as possible." he said, smiling down at me. I smile at him with a look of excitement.

"That is going to be amazing! I bet it will look so beautiful." I say to him. I want to go to Greece someday, and I know that I will. It will just take time.

"Maybe, we can go and see once it's done being built." He says to me. I look at him shocked. I never thought that he would want to go anywhere with me. I nod my head in a yes and he looks even more excited to get it built.

We spent the rest of the day hanging around his apartment. We talk, watch movies and go walk around his garden. Before I know it I have to leave and get something things done. I didn't know that those last few moments that I spent with him would be the last ones for a while.

Heading back to my apartment, I felt lighter than I have in a long time, I have found my home and I decided then that I wouldn't be leaving and that I would fight like hell to stay. No matter what I wouldn't be afraid. I head up to my apartment and unlock it, I go in and start cleaning up for. I am listening to music and dancing around. The first time I have felt like myself. The door bell rings and I walk towards it thinking its most likely Angelica to hear the gossip from today.

As soon as I see who is on the other side, all the color drains from my face, I back up slowly hoping that this is nothing but a dream.

"I have been looking for you." He says.


I know this one is short guys. But we are finally here. It looks like she didn't read the warning and didn't run. What will happen to her?

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