2. Torn By Two

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Crystalline Memoria ( Natsumi's Point of View Part 1 )

As soon as I entered my home, I took off my shoes and sped to my bedroom. I ignored my little sister who was welcoming me home and threw myself onto my bed.

"Are you ok Natsu?" Noriko asked worriedly as she peeked into my room from the doorway.

"I'm perfectly fine," I mumbled into my pillow.

Noriko sighed and made her way over to me, sitting on the edge of my bed, and rubbed my back gently.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.

I stayed still for a few seconds before turning my head to look at her.

I hesitated and sighed softly "Is it normal to want to be with two people at the same time?"

"You like someone other than Isao?" Noriko sounded shocked which made me glare at her in annoyance.

"Why are you so shocked?" I asked.

"Because you liked him since you were what? 12? I thought he'd be the only person you'd ever like."

"Well, you thought wrong," I pouted, resting my chin on my pillow to stare at my bed frame.

"Who is it?"

I thought for a second if I should tell her, a part of me felt embarrassed to tell her. But she's my sister after all, she's always been so open with me I guess I should be the same.

"Yuki.." I mumbled.

"Huh?" She asked as if to say she couldn't hear me.

"I like Yuki, ok?!" I nearly yelled as I turned to look at her again.

She stared at me with wide eyes and blinked a few times as she quickly processed the information.

"Ooh, the best friends huh?" She gritted her teeth and hissed as if she was in pain from hearing it. Yuki and Isao have been best friends since they met from what I heard. Before I became their friend, they were always together. I always had a suspicion that Yuki liked girls and just kept it secret since she would always look so uncomfortable when a guy from her club kept trying to flirt with her.

On top of her making a face whenever Den would talk about a guy being attractive, Yuki always looked like she was forcing herself to agree.

"I understand why you think it's bad to like them both."

"What do I do Noriko? I know I have to pick one, but what if they don't feel the same? Or what if the one I don't pick thinks they're a second choice?" I nearly begged for advice, not completely sure how to move forward.

"Maybe see which one you like more and try to win them over? You are really pretty, so it shouldn't be too hard." She said in a failed attempt to encourage me.

"Tell me what you like about them?" Noriko suggested.

I sighed softly and began to think.

"Isao is kind, he's funny, and creative, and he likes to explore everything he can even if it's dangerous. He acts insanely stupid just to make everyone laugh, and he never feels embarrassed to be himself. And even though he acts so dumb, he always makes it to the top 10 for best grades and test scores, and he never brags about it either. He's so cool when he plays baseball too, and the stupid smile he always has is just so... " I said, swooning as I rambled.

Noriko nodded as she listened to me.

"And what about Yuki?" She asked.

"Yuki... Yuki is genuinely pretty stupid. But she's always there to lend other people an ear, even if they're strangers. She gets childlike when she sees an animal, always wanting to pet them even if they bite her. It's like she has no fear," I explained.

"And there's just... Something about her, I don't what it is. It's like there's a magnet between us." I drifted into my thoughts as I tried to figure out why I felt this way for her. It wasn't sudden, I've always felt pulled to her.

Even before we became friends, my eyes always went to her. Something about her just stood out to me.

"She has this mystery to her. Her undying determination and the look in her eyes when she's tired or when she's..." My words slowly came to a stop as my thoughts rambled in my head. It felt like I was trying to create a puzzle with the incorrect pieces.

"When she's what?" Noriko asked curiously.

"When she's looking at Seina." I frowned in realization, I never really thought about when Yuki usually has that look that draws me in. We all knew each other for years, but I never paid much attention to notice it was only towards Seina.

I guess I never wanted to notice the truth of it.

"Does she like Seina?" Noriko asked.

"I hope not."

"Does Seina like girls?" She asked once more.

"She said she was straight a few years ago, so I don't think so." I began to think back to the dinner and tournament.

I sighed in disappointment as I laid my forehead down against my forearms.

"I'm gonna go to sleep," I said, as a way to ask Noriko to leave the room.

She frowned softly at me and nodded in understanding.

Noriko stood up and exited my room, closing the door behind her.

Was it greedy of me to feel this way? To want both of their affection? I always knew Isao liked Den, and I became ok with that. I just had to win him over since she doesn't like him back, but Yuki has to like Seina, right?

Unless I'm overthinking it, I hope I am. Seina says she's straight after all, and Yuki knows better.

But what if Seina lied? What if she's just good at hiding it?

Do I even genuinely like them? What if it's my own emotions I'm overthinking?

I shook my head in an attempt to clear it.

Whatever happens, happens. I shouldn't be a love-stricken baby. I just gotta try my hardest and hope for the best, if not then I'll have to move on.

I'll find the love interest of my story eventually. I don't have to rush it just because it's the end of high school.

Even if it is a nice fantasy to be with someone from high school for the rest of my life.

I got up from my bed and began to prepare myself for sleep. I did all my nightly duties, from bathing to brushing my teeth and brushing my hair out in front of my vanity.

As I put the hair clips I wore earlier into my vanity drawer, I noticed a figure in the corner through the mirror. I pretended not to notice it as I slowly reached for my hairbrush to use as a weapon.

Both my parents are rarely home due to work, and my sister always makes sure she is known before entering my room so I don't get scared.

If it's a break-in, I have to defend myself and get me and my sister to safety.

I spun around quickly, chucking my brush where the figure was in the mirror only for my brush to hit my bookshelf.

There was no one there. Was I seeing things?

"I have something you might want to hear," A voice whispered in my ear.

I froze stiff, hesitating to answer as I felt someone standing beside me.

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