26. Child

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Overcast Memoria ( Yuki's Point of View Part 6 )

"Wake up my child," A woman's voice hummed.

I furrowed my brows as I slowly opened my eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust from the brightness before I could make her out.

She was a beautiful woman, with long curly black hair and gentle brown eyes. Her skin was a dark olive tone, she wore a fancy-looking Greek dress that was half white and half black.

"Am I... In heaven?" I asked, looking around at the black and white marble building.

"Heaven? Oh goodness no," She laughed, a large grin on her face. "I would never let you die here, and if by chance you did then I wouldn't allow you into heaven." Her words were so tender yet sounded so, eerie.

"So, I'm not dead?" She shook her head, the joy never leaving her face, she held a scroll in her hand along with a pen.

"You're in my temple. My child, I wish to lend you my power." She started to speak as she handed the two items to me. "You're doing so good already dear, I want to help you build the life you deserve."

I watched her cautiously, not paying much attention to the contract in my hands.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh! Where are my manners? I am the Goddess of Light, and Darkness, The creator of witches, and the Head God of Epómeni Geniá." She explained as if she was proud of her titles.

"Why do you wanna help me?"

"I have many reasons my child, but that is of no importance at the moment. There is but so little time. Now please, if you sign you will gain a fraction of my power to protect your little friends and I promise protection for your brothers at home as well."

When I didn't sign immediately she spoke again.

"Your friends are scared and worried for you. Don't you wish to help them? To protect them? To save them?" She asked, the desperateness in her voice made me uncomfortable.

"You promise?" I asked, I didn't know if this was the right choice.

"I promise on all the stars in the sky dear." I took a small breath in hesitation, before signing the contract. I don't care if it affects me in the end, if it's for the others that's all I need.

So I didn't read it.

"I'll see you again when this is all over. Take care, my child. Allow your inner voice to guide you." She said softly, I began to feel heavy as if I was going to knock out from exhaustion.

It felt as if I fainted only to immediately wake up. I squeezed my eyes, my brows furrowed as I felt a wave of pain wash over me. Every inch of my body felt sore, I felt like I was on fire. It was agonizing, but I felt too heavy to move myself.

I was punctured, wasn't I?

When I noticed, water? Dripping on my forehead I opened my eyes to see Kurai with her forehead pressed against mine.

She's crying.

She must've thought I died.

"So are you not going to tell us about this barrier? You know more than you're saying don't you?" Hiro's guardian Ryuji was yelling.

"Just leave me alone. We just have to go with it." Kurai yelled back, her voice booming in my ears.

"Go with what?" Ryuji continued. "All of the kids are out cold, then a shield appears over us all, and the demons left into the woods like they suddenly don't even care about us. So what exactly are we going with?"

"Just shut up!" Kurai screamed back, lifting her head finally to look at him but she froze and quickly took a second glance at me.


"Is... Everything ok?" I asked nervously, with every second going by my body began to feel moveable.

She stared at me in shock, a look of relief in her sad eyes. She immediately hugged my head tightly.

"Yes, yes. Everything is good now. How do you feel?" Kurai asked.

"I'm, in a lot of pain. But it feels like it's going away." I responded, only being able to look up at the sky from the way she was holding me. The crystal-colored film over it must be the barrier Ryuji talked about.

"Good," Kurai said softly, pulling away from me to wipe the tears from her eyes.

I groaned softly as I began to sit up to get a better look at the area around me. All my friends were knocked unconscious, Ryuji stayed beside Hiro and Cooper beside Isao.

Natsumi, along with the other two were next to me on the ground. Did they come to my side?

I looked down when I saw black smoke from the corner of my eye, I quickly looked at the wounds on my torso in both shock and awe.

Black smoke was slowly coming from each wound, moving as if it was sewing the punctures closed.

"Relax. If you move too much it'll be a hassle to heal you." A voice spoke in my head, it didn't sound far off from my own, but it was deeper as if a male version of myself was talking.

Was this the inner voice the woman told me about?

I turned carefully to look at Kurai as if to ask if she could see the smoke.

She stared at me silently, as if she didn't know whether she should be happy or sad.

"Be careful with that power." Her warning was melancholy as if she didn't know if it was a good thing or not.

"You know what this is?" I asked, she held up a finger and black smoke swirled around it as if it spilled from her pours.

Before I could ask another question, I felt someone tackle me to the ground.

I jumped from the shock before I noticed it was Natsumi holding onto me. I smiled softly and gently wrapped my arms around her.

"You're ok." She whispered softly. She was crying, her words filled with relief.


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