37. Bumble

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Virtue Memoria ( Den's Point of View Part 3 )

"We're almost at the bridge Narumi, you can cross and find help right?" Nyoko asked. 

"Yeah, I can cross!" Narumi said happily, a soft yawn escaping her a few seconds later.

"Don't fall asleep," Toku said, tapping her shoulder with the knuckle of his index finger. Narumi rubbed her eyes and pouted, looking over at him as if he was being mean.

"I just want a little nap."

"You can nap when you get to the other town." He replied.

"Meanie!" Narumi nearly yelled as she stuck out her tongue. I and Nyoko giggled softly as we watched her.

I glanced around every few seconds in case a demon showed up. There were still a lot of loud noises and some screams, but most people left by now. I wanted to go help whoever stayed behind for whatever reason, but we had to put the child first.

I jumped and screamed when I noticed something run beside me. Narumi and Nyoko just laughed.

"Are you scared of dogs?" Toku asked. I sighed embarrassingly to see a pitbull speeding its way to the bridge, I didn't think to look down so I didn't notice the little pitbull until it ran next to me.

"No, it just caught me off guard is all," I said shyly.

"You're silly big sis Den," Narumi laughed. I just smiled at her and lightly shook my head.

We were probably about 15 minutes from the bridge when loud footsteps began to approach us. I summoned my shield and looked to see a demon stopping around the corner as if it were a pouting child. It looked as if it was droopy, its bright blue eyes half-lidded, and 4 small blue nubs of horns on its head.

It looked, upset. Like it was crying?

"Close your eyes and cover your ears Narumi," Nyoko said quickly, Narumi nodded and did as she said.

"Why did I have to come? Killing is so much work," The demon cried, its voice was loud and painful to hear.

"It's weak," Toku said, summoning his sniper. Both he and Nyoko aimed with their guns and as if in sync they shot.

Both bullets are aimed at the same spot, I wouldn't be surprised if they collided as they landed between the demon's eyes.

I never knew anything about how guns really worked, or how much damage they caused. But whenever they shot, decently large holes were left, and Toku's shot left the targeted limb destroyed.

It was a disgusting sight to see the demon's head obliterated, so I adverted my gaze to not witness it in its entirety.

Nyoko quickly slid her gun back into its holster and wrapped her arm around Narumi for extra support before running a good amount ahead of us so Narumi wouldn't see the demon. I put away my shield, having it closed on my arm just in case and me and Toku ran to catch up with Nyoko.

"Alright, the monster is all gone," Nyoko said, gently tapping Narumi's hand to tell her it was ok.

"Did you fight it?" Narumi asked, looking up at Nyoko curiously.

"Mhm! We are super strong so we did it very fast!" Nyoko replied with a large grin.

"Whoa! I couldn't even feel you move!" Narumi yelled excitedly.

"It's magic!" Nyoko hummed proudly.

"You guys are so cool!" Narumi's words never failed to make my heart melt. I really hope I can be a mother someday, and have a child as cute as her.

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