18. Hammer of Justice

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Justice Memoria ( Seina's Point of View Part 3 )

My mind was a blur, I couldn't remember what happened after Yuki fell. I blacked out, the only memory I had was seeing her lying there in blood-covered dirt.

When I came to, I noticed I was in an onyx-colored room. The shine of what I'd assume to be the sun peering from a stained glass window nearly blinded me.

"Where am I? Where's everyone else?" I asked aloud, in hopes someone was there to answer me. I used all my strength to fight back tears, if I'm in danger I'll have to grieve after I get to safety.

"You're in my temple. Now quiet down, and don't speak unless I allow you to." The lady who spoke had a venomous tone. Her voice was deep and stern yet filled with disgust.

I looked over in the direction her voice came from. She had olive skin, and glaring black eyes, her face was in a displeased scowl as she studied me.

She moved a strand of hair behind her ear and sighed as she turned to grab a rolled-up piece of paper on a table.

"Why must I take in yet another incompetent child." She grumbled. "Alright, now listen here. I am the goddess of Judgement and Balance, I assume you don't want your little friends to die, do you?" She spoke fast and with little care as if she wanted to get whatever she had to share over with, so she could be rid of me.


"Well? That was a cue for you to speak."

"Of course, I don't want them to die," I responded. Being under her gaze felt as if there was a heavy pressure in the air. I didn't want to deal with her tone, especially not after seeing Yuki get hurt.

I wasn't in the mood for this, I just wanted to be by Yuki's side.

"That's what I thought. Now." She tossed the piece of paper to me, scoffing in annoyance when I nearly missed the catch.

"Sign that and you'll gain a small fraction of my power as well as guidance on how to utilize it. You can read the conditions in that contract. Just don't make me regret helping you, understand?"

I carefully opened the letter.

"Before I sign this. Is Yuki ok?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Who? Is that the girl with the incompetent guardian?" She laughed softly. "I never thought I'd see the day she was wrong." She said as if she was talking to herself, she then fanned the air slightly in front of her face as if to dismiss her thoughts.

"On topic. I cannot answer the condition of any of your friends until the end of the contract, it's all up to them and the god that is assigned to them what happens. Meaning, as long as you make me look good, your fate will be desirable."

"Alright." I skimmed the contract once more, just to make sure nothing would make me regret signing it.

"Here." She said, handing me a small feather pen. I took it gently and signed my name.

Please be ok Yuki. I promise I'll be there, I won't let you get hurt again.

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