5. Our Facade

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Overcast Memoria ( Yuki's Point of View Part 2 )

"Hey! Yuki! Wake up!" A voice yelled.

"Didn't you say you were gonna go to Isao's house today? It's already almost lunchtime." They scolded.

I groaned, forcing myself to open my eyes to see my guardian standing at my bedside.

"Leo's already upset you skipped breakfast."

Her name is Kurai, a woman with short black hair and odd-colored reddish-pink eyes that I couldn't name the exact color of. She's both the oldest in the household and the shortest due to stunted growth.

She never wanted to speak of her life before she became a guardian, just that not eating prevented her from growing taller. I could never tell if she was lying to get me and my younger brother Naito to eat better when we were kids, but I guess it worked either way.

I huffed and rolled onto my back lazily.


"Fine, fine. I'm getting up." I groaned, forcing myself out of my bed.

"Good. Now go eat something quick before you leave. Leo put leftovers in the fridge for you before he went to work."

Sometimes she felt more like a mother than a big sister figure.

Leo is my brother's guardian, and since he looks the most like a human he took on the role of our legal caretaker.

He has tan skin, is decently tall, and has messy black hair. But his eye color that showed he was inhuman was a darkish shade of orange that could easily be said as auburn brown and people believed it.

Kurai on the other hand, no one but the three of us knows she exists. It's a good thing that guardians can hide by turning invisible and allowing only certain people to see them.

The two of them described it as entering a thin plane of existence.

A part of me always wondered if Isao and Hiro knew about guardians and just hid it. Just like I do. Leo said witches can live their entire lives without knowing they even had a guardian to keep them safe.

I yawned loudly and scratched my right shoulder as I made my way to the kitchen with my eyes half shut.

"Took you long enough," Naito said, eating a bowl jam pack filled with ice cream.

"Took you long enough," I mimicked and we both rolled our eyes at each other.

"So why are you going to Isao's today? And how long will you be out?" He asked, stuffing his face with large spoonfuls. He always got excited to be home alone for whatever reason, since Kurai usually either tagged along with me or went out to enjoy the weather on a long walk.

"He wants to show us his new tarot deck, and we're probably only gonna be there for a few hours," I responded, opening the fridge to see the packaged plate. I pulled it out and lifted the tin foil to see 4 strips of bacon with a pile of potato Paille, a small cut of meatloaf, and veggies.

I put the plate into the microwave to heat it and turned to look at Naito.

"Icecream? This early?" I asked, just wanting to annoy him while I waited for my food.

"It's past lunchtime."

"I told him it's fine," Kurai said as she entered the kitchen.

"Also, make sure you do your laundry as soon as you get home. You can't go forgetting again." She scolded me as she walked over to our coffee machine and began to brew herself a cup, using the cup she left sitting there.

"Will do," I said dismissively.

Once the microwave beeped as an indication the food was done, I quickly opened the door and took out the plate. I grabbed myself a pair of chopsticks and made my way to the kitchen table, sitting across from Naito in my usual seat.

"Do you have any plans today kid?" I asked.

"I finished all my studies last night, so I was planning on playing Anti-Crusade."

"Didn't you play through that 3 times already?" Kurai asked, glancing back at him curiously as she grabbed sugar for her coffee.

He ate another spoonful before explaining. "Yeah, but I still haven't gotten all the trophies in it yet. I have to do specific things and I finally memorized the path to take,"

"Mm, well good luck with that. Let me know if anything special happens," I said after swallowing a large bite of the potato paille.

After about thirty minutes of talking about video games with the two of them, I finally finished eating and quickly washed my dishes before putting them back where they belonged.

I glanced up at the clock in the kitchen and blinked.

I was an hour late to the scheduled time. Even Seina is probably there already.

I quickly ran to my room and gathered my things. I got dressed as fast as possible in a plain white t-shirt, baggy blue hoodie and some skinny jeans since they were the fastest things I could find that would look nice together.

I rushed to the bathroom to brush out my hair and brush my teeth.

"Crap, they're gonna be so mad I made them wait," I scolded myself.

I grabbed my bag that held two books about magic and the occult in case any were needed and slung it over my shoulder.

As I ran to the front door I realized I forgot my phone and whined as I spun around and ran back to my bedroom to fetch it.

When I picked up my phone the screen lit up to show I received a text message from Seina.

"I'm waiting outside. Let's walk together?" It read, sent 25 minutes ago.

"Oh just great," I thought, running back to the front door to slip on my sneakers as fast as physically possible.

"Have fun! And be safe!" Kurai called out from the kitchen.

"I will! See you guys later!" I called back before opening the door and exiting.

Once I exited the front gates of my home I felt an arm grab me to get my attention. I froze up in fear and turned to see Seina smiling at me.

"Took you long enough. It's rude to keep people waiting you know," She teased, giggling softly since she managed to scare me.

"Sorry, I slept in and just saw your message now so I thought you would've left already."

"It's ok. I don't mind waiting," Her kind smile reached her bright blue eyes.

She let go of my arm and began to walk ahead of me. "Let's get going, the others are waiting."

I closed the gate behind me and jogged slightly to catch back up with her. It was weird she walked all this way just to practically walk all the way back and extra just to walk with me.

Was something going on with her and the others? Why not go with Den or Keiko?

We both walked down a few streets together before she decided to speak. "Yuki, I have a question to ask you." She said, stopping in her tracks and making me look back at her.


"Do you know what guardians are?" Her tone was now serious. It felt as if she was staring into my soul.

"Guardian Angels? Yeah?" To say I was confused was an understatement, doesn't everyone know what those are?

"No. Not guardian angels. Guardians." She corrected quickly.

"No, I don't. Why?" I asked, hoping she would fall for my lie.

How did she know about guardians? What brought this up?

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