34. Reversal

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Crystalline Memoria ( Natsumi's Point of View Part 4 )

"Why did you have to be so stupid!" I cried, I had nothing to help him with, my clothes weren't rippable and I couldn't see any cloth in the area.

"I-I care about you, Natsumi. I'm... Gonna do what I-I can," Isao took sharp breaths as he struggled to speak from the pain. When the bullet shot the demon's head, both its blood and a mass amount of saliva splattered everywhere.

I was unscathed since Isao shielded me, but his back was covered. I couldn't tell if his skin was red or if it was from the blood, but steam was rising from his back along with what looked like white suds. He kept trying to act like it didn't hurt but he was obviously fighting back screams.

Cooper was able to dodge the splatter somehow, though I couldn't see it. He was currently searching through a building for first aid.

Isao was leaning against a wall that acted as a stone gate for the homes. Tears clouded my vision, my heart was racing.

Even if it's going to be ok, I didn't want to see him like this.

I jumped quickly when Nyoko's guardian practically appeared next to us. He ran at an insanely fast sprint, yet looked like he didn't break a sweat.

"Move so I can heal him." He said quickly.

"Right," I responded, taking a step back to give him space.

The guardian pulled out a large white handkerchief from his pant pocket and began to carefully wipe the acid and blood off of Isao's back.

"Is... Is it not burning you?" I asked curiously, watching them both closely.

"Gluttony acid is different from every other form of acid, although the residue that burnt him will still leave a lingering pain, the acid dulls out and becomes normal saliva after a certain time frame when exposed to air." He explained. Isao's back looked like a giant burnt mark with patches of white.

"What are you doing here? Are the two with you ok?" Cooper asked, finally exiting the house and holding a bed sheet.

"They are fine. I told them to stay in my line of sight, I came to heal him." Nyoko's guardian explained, looking at Cooper. "Your magic can't heal, so you need my help. You're welcome." He said, looking back at Isao and placing his hands on Isao's sides.

"Stay still." He told Isao, and within a few minutes, the wound on Isao's back was just a large scar.

"Thank you," Cooper said, obviously trying to be polite despite being irritated by the other guardians' choice of words.

"Can you straighten your back?" The Guardian asked.

"I think?" Isao said, slowly adjusting himself to stand up straight. The three of us watched him closely, I slightly held out my arms in case he needed someone to catch him.

I signed in relief when he was able to move properly. "It feels a bit weird, but I should be fine," Isao explained. "Thank you, uh.."

"Toku." The Guardian said.

"Right, thank you, Toku," Isao said with a grin as if nothing happened.

Toku nodded and began to walk off. "I cannot always see you or come to your aid. So try not to die too fast." He said before leaving as fast as he arrived.

"Whoa, he's fast," Isao said in awe as he watched Toku leave our sight.

"Is that a normal guardian thing?" I asked, looking at Cooper who was visibly annoyed.

"Depends on magic and experience." He answered.

"So cool," Isao grinned. Cooper tossed the bed sheet to the ground and walked up to Isao to see the large hole in his jacket and undershirt.

"I don't think this is possible to fix at the moment. But a large hole could be awfully dangerous," He said.

"It's that big? Can't the gods fix it, I mean they gave us the clothes we have now." Isao said trying to look at his own back. I couldn't help but laugh slightly, he looked somewhat like a dog trying to reach its own tail.

A smile made its way back to his face, as if he received a message and just like how our new outfits appeared, his was fixed.

"Guess I was right!" He said proudly.

"Did you make sure to thank her?" Cooper asked his tone like a father checking his child's manners.

"Yup!" Isao responded. "Now let's get going, we can't leave all the work to the others."

I gently placed my hand on my heart and nodded curtly with a smile.

"You better be more careful the next fight," I said.

"I'll try," Isao laughed.

"Promise me you will."

"Alright, alright, I promise." 

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