8. Unspoken

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Justice Memoria ( Seina's Point of View Part  2 )

I stared at Yuki silently, I didn't know how to respond. But I had a feeling she was lying.

"You can tell me the truth,"

Yuki took a quick sharp breath through her nose. Why did she seem so nervous?

"Are you hiding it because of the guardian code?" I asked, recalling the passage from the book.

I didn't understand why, but seeing her behavior over the simple question made me furious.

If she held a secret from us all, for whatever reason.

I wanted her to tell me. I want her to trust me.

She scanned my face for a few seconds before answering.

"Yeah... " She sounded guilty, her eyes looked down quickly before back at me. The expression on her face said enough.

I watched the saddened expression on her face for a few seconds before sighing softly.

If she was going to keep lying and hiding from me, even if I gave her a chance to tell me then there was no point in fighting.

I'll just have to look into the code and hope she genuinely opens up one day.

It's always been like this, even though we've known Yuki for so long she always felt so distant. She wouldn't even tell us about magic if it wasn't for Isao being the one to open up to us about it.

She taught Isao how to use magic to help keep Chie's condition stable, and we all studied from there on. Even if not all of us can use magic ourselves.

I just want Yuki to trust me, and it's frustrating. Did I do something wrong to make her want to hide from me?

"Everything alright?" I turned when I heard Natsumi's voice and saw her standing not too far from us.

"Yeah," Yuki replied pretty fast.

I glanced back at Yuki to see her walking toward Natsumi.

"Thought you'd be at Isao's by now. What are you doing here?" Yuki asked her. I walked toward them to catch up.

"I wanted to pick up a book from the library, and I heard you guys talking. Sorry for eavesdropping," Natsumi said with a meek smile, she was standing between me and Yuki as we walked.

"Ah, I see. What book did you pick out?" Yuki asked curiously.

I watched as Natsumi smiled down happily at the bag in her hands, she reached in a pulled out a manga.

'Bobi Bizzare Dream' The title said.

Yuki's eyes lit up and a large grin spread across her face.

Natsumi turned back to Yuki. "I had nothing else to read so, I thought I'd pick up the manga you and Isao said you liked,"

Since when did Natsumi read the manga? She always said she only liked novels. Did she change her mind because of her crush on Isao?

"It's so good! You gotta let me know what you think when you're done!" Yuki said excitedly.

Natsumi smiled and nodded, "I'll make sure to,"

"You should come over to my place too, you can borrow my entire collection so you don't have to make frequent trips if you enjoy it!"

I just listened to them talk about manga, well, more like Yuki talking to Natsumi about it. I felt ignored.

It wasn't often Yuki wrote me out of conversations. Did my question from earlier make her upset with me?

Not to mention Natsumi was acting off. She's just been ignoring me and focused on Yuki, acting a lot cuter than usual. She kept smiling, keeping eye contact, and holding the manga to her chest as if she were playing shy.

She's stupid if she likes Yuki.

Liking a straight girl will only get you hurt. Even if it felt like Yuki was lying, I know it's probably just me wanting to believe I had a chance.

Natsumi spoke up, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Does anyone in this town have a black cat?"

I looked around to see what she was looking at and noticed a black cat sitting down the sidewalk, it looked as if it was staring us down with its bright yellow eyes.

"I've seen them a bit, but they don't have a collar so I assumed they're a stray. They always run away when I try to pet them though." Yuki answered a little disappointed.

"I see," Natsumi said softly.

I smiled softly at the cat and squatted down, making an attempt to call it over. It was adorable after all, how couldn't I at least try? Even if it didn't work for Yuki.

The cat watched me before slowly approaching.

I carefully reached out and began to stroke the fur on its back. It felt insanely soft and silky for a stray.

Yuki half smiled and half pouted as she watched us. It was cute how she was both happy and jealous.

I looked up at her and Natsumi and smiled triumphantly. When I looked back at the cat I blinked softly.

My eyes were seeing things, almost like a blur. The tiniest bit of black smoke moved past my fingers.

I looked back at the two of them, "Did you guys see smoke?".

"Smoke?" Natsumi asked worriedly.

"Are you seeing things alright? Maybe it was dirt," She continued, squatting down to look at the cat.

The cat stared at her before turning around and walking off, turning the corner and leaving our field of view.

I lightly dusted my hand off against my pant leg. "Yeah, that's probably it." I felt Yuki and Natsumi staring at me and we continued to walk.

"Let's go. They're gonna be mad we're late." I said.

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