Chapter 6: The River of Patience

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Rani took Kion to the River of Patience. "Kion, do you see that flower at the top of the ridge?" Rani asked. Kion looked up. "Yeah," he replied. "Get it for me," Rani ordered. "I'll be right-" Rani inturupted him. "No Kion, you need to follow my instructions, first you wait for a log, then jump onto the log and then you can either climb the ridge, or take the path up," Rani instructed. "UGH fine," Kion rolled his eye's and sat down angrily.

10 minutes later, Kion was pacing back and forth. "HOW LONG CAN IT TAKE FOR A LOG TO PASS BY!" He yelled. "Kion, you need to be patient," Rani said calmly. "PATIENT! WHY SHOULD I BE PATIENT! THIS IS SO STUPID!" He growled at Rani. Rani got scared and backed away in fear. Kion saw what he was doing and calmed down. " I'm so sorry Rani, I don't know what came over me," Kion looked down in shame. "It's ok Kion, hey look, a log!" Rani said. Kion turned around, and waited for the log. He had to time this perfectly. He jumped onto the log. He decided to climb the ridge, so he could exercise his legs, and to impress Rani.

Rani was surprised Kion took the hard way, but completely forgot about that when she saw his muscles.

Kion picked the flower with his teeth, and jumped over to Rani. "Good job!" Rani complemented. "Thanks," Kion replied. He put the flower behind Rani's ear. She blushed. "Now what?" Kion asked. Rani looked at the sky, the sun was directly in the center of the sky. "Well, it's lunchtine," she replied. "Ok you caught breakfast, I'll catch lunch," Kion said. "Aren't males the bad hunters? Isn't that why lionesses do the hunting," Rani mocked. "Well then you haven't met this lion," Kion smirked, " so what do you want?" Rani thought for a bit, " A Bison!" "Be right back!" Kion ran off to the plains. "Let's see how bad you fail," Rani mumbled.

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