Chapter 7: Tag Gone Wrong

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Rani waited for Kion to come back with his kill. She didn't have to wait long. She soon noticed his golden pelt. And with She saw him dragging a Bison! He dragged it infront of her. Rani's jaw dropped. She saw a single bite mark on its neck. He killed it in one bite! She looked at him. His fur was still nicely groomed too. "You were saying," Kion smirked. "How did you do this!" Rani asked shocked. "That's for me to know and you to never find out," Kion gave a cute smile. "Seriously! No one could kill a Bison in one bite, let alone keep their fur nicely groomed!" Rani shouted. "You think my fur is nicely groomed," Kion smirked. Rani blushed. "I'll take thay as a yes, now are you going to let my catch get cold," Kion asked. "Oh sorry," Rani and Kion started eating.

When they finished eating, they didn't know what to do.

"What should we do?" Kion asked. Rani thought for a minute. "How about tag?" Rani suggested. Rani tagged Kion,"Your it!" Rani ran away quickly. Kion was right on her tail. Rani ran down a hill. Kion followed, but tripped. "Rani look out!" Kion shouted. Rani turned around, and Kion crashed into her. They tumbled down the hill. Kion landed on Rani, and their muzzles were in a kiss. Kion blushed. "I-Im so sorry Rani." Rani blushed.

"Your ok Kion." "But," Kion started. "What?" Rani asked. "I tagged you!" Kion hopped off Rani and ran. Rani quickly followed.

Kiara saw what happened and was smirking. "I knew they would fall for each other," she whispered, " I think I'll embarrass him infront of Rani." She ran ahead of them, but made sure she wasn't seen.

Kion crashed into Kiara. "Oh hi Kiara," he smiled. "Hi Kion," she replied. Then Rani arrived. Kiara quickly said, "So are there any cubs on the way?" Kion blushed 50 shades of red.

"Huh?" Rani asked confused. "Don't worry Kion, I won't tell anyone," Kiara smirked. "K-Kiara!" Kion stampered. But Kiara walked off.

"What was that all about?" Rani asked. Kion blushed, " I-I uh don't know," he replied. "Let's go to the tree, it's getting late," Rani said. "Good idea." The two walked off to the tree for dinner.

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