Chapter 11: Healing

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Oral woke up the next morning, to see Rani wasn't on the rock. She was going to ask Kion, but saw Rani curled into Kion's chest. They were both purring. "Cute aren't they," Kiara said walking in. "Yeah," Oral replied. Oral and Kiara walked out. They sat outside of the den. Then they heard Rani shout, "Ahh Kion!" They both ran in. They saw Kion pinning Rani down on her back. "This is payback for last night," he smirked. Kiara looked at Oral confused. "I'll explain later," Oral whispered. Kiara and Oral walked out.

Rani giggled. "C'mon Kion let's go." Kion got off Rani. They both walked to the tree. Everyone ate breakfast. "So what am I doing today?" Kion asked. "You can't get jealous today, " Rani said. Kion raised an eyebrow. "You'll find out, everybody go have fun!" Rani shouted, "and Kion, your going to help turtles get their shells that were buried," Rani smirked. Kion rolled his eye's. He walked off to the swamp.

All day, Kion had to dig holes, then dig them back up again. By the end of it all, you could hardly see his gold fur. It was sunset, and he walked back to the tree, exhausted. "You look horrible," Kiara said. "UGH I had to dig holes in the swamp all day," Kion rolled his eye's. He walked to Rani's den. Oral decided that she would walk around the Tree Of Life. She hasn't been there in a while, and wanted to meet some of her old friends. Rani went to her den with Kion.

When Rani arrived, she saw Kion trying to clean his fur, but the mud and dirt was everywhere. "Need help?" Rani asked. "Uh sure," Kion replied. Rani helped Kion clean his fur. Kion thought it was weird but he knew he couldn't get it all the mud. When Kion was clean, Rani went to her rock, and Kion went to his wall. "Night Rani," Kion said. "Night Kion," Rani replied. The two fell asleep.

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