Chapter 23: Nightmare

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Hey guys, so I just now noticed that I never showed Kion's coronation, so this chapter is going to be that Kion was dreaming about it, so that you guys know what happened, but then his dream turns into a nightmare!
Kion and Rani were sleeping peacefully in the Tree of Life. Kion was dreaming about his coronation.

He walked onto the rock, and Rafiki put a "v" shape on his head. Everyone cheered for their new king, and Rani smirked at Kion. Kion smiled back. Simba, Nala, Kiara, and Kovu walked up to Kion. "Congratulations son," Simba dipped his head to Kion. "Thanks dad," Kion smiled. Rani walked up beside Kion. "My baby brother is a King!" Kiara squeaked. "I'm not a cub Kiara," Kion frowned a bit, but not in an unhappy way. "Oh wait that's right, you already got a lioness pregnant," Kiara smirked at Kion. He blushed 50 shades of red. Kion saw Rani smirking at him. "Kiara stop making fun of your brother," Nala said. "Fine," Kiara rolled her eyes. Rani chuckled.
Kion's dream takes a big turn (This next part never actually happend, but Kion is having a night mare)

Kion smelled something in the bushes. Then something jumped out, attacking Rani. "RANI!" Kion shouted. He tried to help, but his family held him back they had cold glares. He looked and saw what was hurting his mate, Makucha. "GET AWAY FROM RANI!" Kion shouted, but Makucha ignored him. Kion had to watch Makucha murder his mate. The leopard clawed at Rani's stomach, Rani screamed in pain, then Makucha bit into her neck, instantly killing her. "RANI!" Kion screamed. He tried to move, but his family wouldn't let him go. Makucha approached Kion, Rani's blood all over his paws and muzzle. "I've finally gotten my revenge," he smiled mischievously. Kion cried. "RANI NO!" Makucha left.

Kion jumped up from his nightmare and screamed Rani's name. Rani woke up. She saw her mate gasping for breath. "Kion are you ok?" She asked. Kion looked over at her. "You're alive!" He screamed. Kion licked Rani's cheek a whole bunch of times and nuzzled her. "Of course Im alive," Rani replied confused. Kion started crying. "Kion?" Rani asked. Rani knew this wasn't normal for him. "I-I thought I lost you," He cried. "Come here Kion," Rani layed down on her stomach, and had Kion put his head in her arms, "You'll never lose me Kion, I'll always be here for you," Rani said calmly. "Thanks Rani, I love you," Kion smiled. Rani kissed him. "I love you too." Kion got up and layed next to Rani. "Rani, can we cuddle, I don't want to have that nightmare again," Kion said. Rani wrapped her arms around Kion. "Yes we can." The two fell asleep.
Sorry for forgetting about that lol. Information, I am writing another book, but I won't publish it until it is complete unless you guys say otherwise. It is called, Kion and Rani: Lost With A Stranger. I am really enjoying writing these, and I hope you guys enjoy reading them. It's almost the weekend, and remember, on the weekends I'll post as much as I can. And remember, have a great day, every day! ❤

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