Chapter 21: Flirting With The King

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Kion woke up in the middle of the night. Rani was sleeping on him. He gently set her down and walked out of the tree.

As he was walking, he spotted a lioness. She walked up to him. (She was a lioness from Emer's Pride) "Hi," Kion said. "Hey cutie," the lioness smirked at Kion, "My name is Kaylus." (Kaylus means "trouble maker")

" (Kaylus means "trouble maker")

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Kion raised and eyebrow. "Hi Kaylus," Kion smiled. Kaylus seductively walked up to Kion. Kion was shocked.

"What are you doing?" Kion asked

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"What are you doing?" Kion asked. "Your cute," Kaylus smirked. "Uhh thanks?" Kion raised an eyebrow. Kaylus licked Kion's cheek. "Woah woah woah!" Kion pushed Kaylus away, "I have a mate that is pregnant with my cubs, and I'm married to her!" Kion shouted. "She doesn't have to know," Kaylus smirked at Kion. "Get away from me!" Kion shouted.

Rani woke up, and saw Kion was not with her. She walked out. She saw Kion with another lioness. At first she didn't mind, but then the lioness licked Kion's cheek. She didn't go in yet, because she wanted to see what Kion would do. Kion pushed the lioness away and shouted at her. Rani ran up.

The lioness was still trying to kiss Kion. Kion didn't want to hurt her though, so he just pushed her away. Then he saw Rani running up. He panicked, he thought she would see it wrong. But, Rani ran up and clawed Kaylus. "Get your paws off my mate!" She screamed. She bit and clawed, turning Kaylus's white fur to red. "You are banished from the Tree of Life!" Rani screamed. Kaylus limped out of the pass. "Rani! I swear I did nothing, she tried to kiss me and-" Rani cut Kion off with a kiss, "I know, I saw." Kion sighed with relief. "I know you would never cheat on me," Rani smiled. "Never, your my one and only," Kion winked at Rani. Rani smirked. Kion and Rani walked into the tree. Kion layed on his stomach on the rock. Rani layed on top of Kion. She nuzzled her face into his small mane. She purred. Kion closed his eyes. The royal couple fell asleep.

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