Part II - New Paths

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Over the following months, Y/N L/N became much more involved in the sport of boxing.

Cus D'Omata made sure to keep Y/N as disciplined as possible; Making him train 7 days a week and instilling a diet and schedule.

The schedule and diet was as follows:

Wake up at 4AM and stretch out your entire body.

4:30, you do 3 miles worth of running and a mile long walk.

5:30, you shower and go back to sleep until 10AM.

At 10AM, your breakfast will be oatmeal and milk with a bunch of vitamin supplements.

At 12PM, you get to the gym, work on your skills, then spar 8 rounds.

At 2PM, you'll eat chicken and rice with some orange juice.

At 3PM, you'll work on your boxing.

At 4PM, you do an hour on the exercise bike.

At 5PM, you'll do all your calisthenics for the day.

At 7PM, you'll eat steak and pasta with sugar free apple juice.

At 8:30PM, you'll do 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

At 9:30PM, you'll go to sleep.

"You got that?" Cus said.

Y/N sweatdropped at the extremely sophisticated schedule.

"Summer starts tomorrow, so you have all the time in the world to keep yourself at the top of your game. This is what you need to do to become the absolute best at what you do, you got that?" Cus said.

"Yes. But...I think I already forgot..." Y/N said.

"It's alright. Take this and start using the alarms on your phone to help you. Soon, your body will naturally conform to the schedule and you won't need the alarms" Cus said.

Cus handed Y/N a piece of printer paper with the entire schedule written out in pen.

"Okay. I'll make you proud, Cus" Y/N said.

Y/N walked out of the boxing gym and began his walk home.

Y/N checked his phone, it was 9PM.

He had missed a few calls from Mina around 8PM, when he was finishing up some padwork.

"Shit, I should call her back..." Y/N said.

Y/N called Mina while walking home.

"Hey, Mina. Sorry I missed your calls. How are you doing?" Y/N asked.

"I'm doing good. How are you?" Mina asked.

"I'm feeling alright. I just finished up some training and all that. What did you do today?" Y/N asked.

"With you it's all 'training, training, training'! Live a little. Will you be free anytime at all?" Mina asked.

Y/N rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I wish. My entire life is about to become about boxing starting tomorrow" Y/N said.

"What do you mean?" Mina asked.

"My schedule is about to become extremely twisted. Waking up a 4AM to run, going back to sleep until 10AM, then spending the rest of the day at the gym training. He told me I'll start ACTUALLY boxing in June, so I'm looking forward to that" Y/N said.

"That sounds insane. What are you trying to do, become the first Quirkless hero? I don't even think real heroes put in that much work" Mina said.

"You know, if I really try, maybe I could become a hero. They always say 'Anybody Can Be a Hero!', right?" Y/N said.

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