Part XV - Gateway To Tomorrow

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"Wait, so our goal is to become champion, but the Golden Gloves already happened this time, so we can't become champion. How are we going to become champion?" Mina asked.

"As long as you beat the champion, the public will see you as champion" Cus said.

"But that doesn't make sense. Aren't the officials the ones who decide who's champion and who's not?" Mina said.

"Oh boy..." Y/N said, squeezing his forehead.

"You NEVER trust the officials over experts in this sport. The officials are out for money and couldn't give less of a shit about you. As long as you aren't liked by the officials like the judges and the referees, you'll lose decision after decision and the referees will watch every movement of yours and disqualify you as soon as possible. I've had hundreds of fighters who have had their entire careers and records destroyed because of biased judging and refereeing. Experts are the people you listen to, NEVER the officials who would disregard every rule of boxing if they get paid a few extra dollars" Cus said.



"...what about the part about being a champion?" Mina asked.

"Tommy Heards versus Sugar Ray Lizard. Sugar Ray Lizard barely won the first fight, so he was the new champion. The rematch comes and Sugar Ray Lizard clearly loses, but is gifted the decision. Who does the public recognize as the true champion, then?" Cus said.

"So we beat them and we're practically champion?" Mina asked.

20 Days Later...

Y/N readjusted his tie uncomfortably.

"I hate this..." Y/N said.

"It's just a few fights, you can take it off after" Mina said.

"When you're going up against any high level opponent, you have to watch how they do it so you can abuse any weaknesses they might have" Cus said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. You've said it a thousand times already, I just don't want to wear this monkey suit and watch these fights. Can't we just watch it live or something?" Y/N asked.

"This is the perfect opportunity to see both opponents in action. Mina, your Flyweight champion will be the fight before Y/N's Heavyweight champion, which is the final fight of the night" Cus said.

"When do those fights begin?" Mina asked.

Cus checked his watch.

"2 hours and 35 minutes from now" Cus said.

"What?! Why are we waiting so long?" Mina asked, shocked.

"Because these people could be your future opponents one day, so you need to study them when you have the opportunity. I have an entire list of fighters you'll only fight when you're ready to fight them" Cus said.

"You're doubting my abilities?" Mina asked.

"Listen--After Y/N got his jaw sprained because I got too hasty, I'm walking on eggshells with you. Kevin may be training you, but I'm still watching over you, keeping you on a metal leash and unchaining you when the time is right" Cus said.

The fights began.

Mina sat through, watching, watching, getting drowsy, resting her head on her hand, snoring, sleeping, then being smacked on the back of the head by Cus to wake up and watch.

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