Special - Studying The Greats

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Y/N was hitting the heavy bag as hard as he possibly could, following Cus's every word.

"Keep your form!"
"Too wild, it's gotta be perfect!"

One ear out the other.

Y/N was swinging wildly, flailing his skinny arms at the heavy bag.

"You're gonna hurt yourself punching like that, I hope you know!" Cus yelled.

Y/N wouldn't listen.

Cus told him to stop, reaching his hand over and patting him on his chest multiple times to step back from the heavy bag.

Cus held Y/N by the shoulder and led him over to the ring.

They both sat down on the edge of the ring.

Y/N was sweating and panting heavily as Cus spoke to him.

"You're swinging too wildly on that punching bag, like a wild animal with no self control. What happened to that control you had yesterday? God, this is only your 2nd day and you're already fuckin' doing this?" Cus said.

"I just like punching it" Y/N said.

"Yeah, I can tell. Tell me, kid, do you get bullied a lot in school?" Cus asked.

Y/N looked away and looked in thought for a second before going into a full on trance. This trance, unlike the others, being accompanied by memories flashing through his mind.

Cus slapped Y/N lightly to recapture his attention.

"Yes or no?" Cus asked.

Y/N swayed his head side to side like a grandfather clock, weighing his answer based on pride rather than truth.

"I don't care if you don't want to admit you were pushed around a lot because you're too prideful, I just want the truth out of you" Cus said.

Y/N looked down again, looking nervous.

"Yeah. Kids laugh at me and junk" Y/N said.

"What do they do?" Cus asked.

"Well, I was seen as weird because of my trances. Kids would shove me around in the halls, slap my neck in the middle of class, make fun of me, all that" Y/N said.

"Did you ever do anything about it?" Cus asked.

Y/N refrained from answering, having to force the word "No" out of his mouth.

Cus nodded his head, understanding.

"So that's what's with this sudden burst of energy. You finally have a way to kind of... put your anger out and you finally feel like you can do something about it" Cus said.

"I guess you could put it that way" Y/N said.

"Well, if you're swinging like that, you aren't gonna do shit to anybody. Those punches will hurt you more than you hurt them" Cus said.

Y/N stayed silent.

"Listen, you wanna prove something to someone, prove that you're a fighter. They shoved you around cuz you weren't gonna do shit, but now that you have the opportunity to do anything you want, strike fear into the hearts of everybody in boxing" Cus said.

Y/N looked emotionless, but on the inside, he was burning away an old layer of skin.

"Alright, now, let's get back to the heavy bag" Cus said.

Cus led Y/N to the heavy bag, and Y/N took form.

Y/N threw the hardest punch he could, completely forgetting about form and fighting with only passion.

Anybody Can Be a Hero (My Hero Academia x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now