Part VIII - Picture-Perfect

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Summer had restarted itself all over again, ending the 9th grade.

Y/N had fought 3 times in the 2 months before school ended and summer began, all ending by knockout in round one.

The first fight, Roc Marlo, held on the 14th of April, was somewhat like an epilogue to a long running cartoon series, showing how the main character was doing and what sort of life they chose to live after their adventure ended.

Y/N chose to continue down the path of a boxer, sticking to his training and never skipping a single day.

The local newspaper had doubts if Y/N would still have the motivation to keep going after he became champion because as history has shown, most boxers tended to slip after becoming champion.

Even Mohammad Dali, who most consider the greatest to ever wear boxing shorts, had this phenomenon happen to him after he took back the title from Jorge Fourier in 1974.

This phenomenon had yet to trap Y/N, it seemed.

His goals were reset to what they once were the year before--impressing Cus.

His trainer, Cus D'Omata, kept Y/N on a tight leash, keeping him in training and keeping him ready to trample.

The 2nd bout, Smithson Gray, held on the 1st of May, went the same as the Roc Marlo fight.

Knockout in round 1 without being hit a single time.

His 3rd bout, Jill Hank, held on the 21st of May, went the exact same.

One thing that changes the landscape of these fights was that Y/N's opponents were flown in from different countries for these bouts.

These were the best the world could offer for the amateur ranks and Y/N breezed through them without breaking a sweat.

"And now, after that quick recap, I'd like to welcome the men of the hour, Y/N L/N and Cus D'Omata!" The female interviewer said, standing up and turning to the backstage area.

The watchers clapped as Y/N L/N and Cus D'Omata walked in.

Y/N and Cus waved at the audience as they walked in, wearing suits and ties.

Y/N and Cus both shook hands with the interviewer before sitting down on the two sofas.

"Welcome!" The interviewer said in a delighted tone.

"Thank you" Cus said.

"Thanks for having us, Debbie. Can I call you Debbie?" Y/N asked charismatically, generating smiles from the audience.

"It's okay! I'm really fine with whatever!" The interviewer, Debbie, said, laughing.

Y/N constantly slowly rubbed the torso of his suit up and down, feeling the fabric.

"So, just to start off, LOVED the fight between you and Vahid Zare, I've never been on the edge of my seat like that ever in my life" Debbie said.

"Thank you. I came into that fight with one thing on my mind, and that was revenge. Had to get my get back after that first fight, you know?" Y/N said, getting a few laughs from the audience.

"Well, how exactly did you do it? What went on in preparation?" Debbie asked.

"Well, me and Cus watched through hours of videos of Vahid training and watched through all of his fights hundreds of times. Cus gave me a notebook and told me to write down every single idea I had and see if Vahid had any defense against that. Spoiler alert, the maniac did" Y/N said, pulling in more laughs.

"Yes. I've studied Vahid myself before Y/N was fighting guys even half his level, and I came up with the exact same solution for his style that Y/N came up with" Cus said.

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