Chapter Two

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A/N I apologize again.

Zemela's pov :-)

"Shopping today" Skyler said wiggling her brows

"Are you not meant to be asking?" Sadiki asked

  "She's me girl friend I don't need to ask her" She said placing her hands under her chin, giving me puppy eyes...

    "Don't even try" I said gulping my chocolate milk...other than sleep, sports and reading romance novels my fourth favorite thing is food, which surprises Skyler cause I still pull up with flat tommy...

"C'mon girlfriend" she cooed

"Sorry nerdy" Sadiki muttered and Skyler glared at him..."don't make her change her mind" she said glaring at him as if I agreed, before turning to me with a smile.... drama queen...she always has her way, taking me to the mall on days I don't work...

"Oh.Holy.mother.of.Beauty!" Skyler said picking her words on after the other with wide eyes, palm slapped down on the table....Sadiki and I turned to the cause of her reaction...her friend Ava( one of the scholarship girls, that I'm "supposed" to be friends with) was standing in front of the popular folks table...

"What is she doing there?" I asked them both .. stupid questions are kinda my thing...

"How would we know" Skyler answered.. answering my stupid questions is her thing...she was totally focused on Ava and the people on the table, not wanting to miss any detail...

The table consist of all the popular folks in senior year, located in the middle of the cafeteria...I don't know much about them cause I'm not a stalker, all I know is that that table has good looking boys, all the boys in Bamford are good looking, I don't see how the boys on the table are better looking than other boys BUT!! I  fantasize over them, their looks, body build and some obvious characters, not their money or fame(almost all of them are models or Instagram influencers or YouTubers or TikTok influencers)....the group has six guys....

First person and leader of all is Bryson Griffin...God, he is good looking... Skyler whines about him all the time (I think they talk sometime or so, I can't remember what she said)...she said he has two different eye color, it could honestly be contacts....all the girls whine about him including me.... I've not seen him close up, but from distance I've seen his good looks....Most of us don't like him, we just like his good looks, that's what I think cause that's why I like him and every other boy out there, who doesn't like good looking boys... he's also the captain of the basketball and Lacrosse team (that's too much attention), I guess he likes it....

Second person is Reggie Abdon... Captain of the football team... blablabla...I basically like him for his bad boy looks, Skyler said something about him being good on bed(guess they've hooked up)... again, I wonder why Skyler isn't popular...

Third person is Nalon Bamford- yup Bamford asin Bamford lucky the idiot is attending a school owned by his family, runned by his dad...he plays lacrosse too just like Bryson, he is a good player too....I like him cause he wears glasses like me, weird me:-)

Fourth person is Alfie Oakley...I like him cause he looks like a baby..... nothing more nothing less...

Fifth person is Albie Oakley- yeah they're twins...Albie is goofy, he shows it to everyone, he doesn't care about the whole popular cool stuff(that's what his goofiness says)...he looks goofy too, that's why I like him..... he's also on the basketball team with Bryson.

..and y'all know what? I'm on the girls basketball team, my 5'1 ass plays basketball....

Sixth and last person is Cameron Beckett... Mayor's son.. blablabla....good looking idiot too, for me he's way more good looking than Bryson (I dare not say it out loud)

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