Chapter Twenty-eight

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Zemela's POV:-)

As I walked the path down to my house, I felt uneasy we've lived in the neighborhood since we moved to the states, my dad was able to buy the house before his financies went down the drain.

I felt my happiness varnish as I neared home–a toxic place to be.

My heart stung when I saw my dad sitting in the living space like he was waiting for me.

"Good evening daddy" I knelt down to greet him.

"Evening" he answered, "come and sit down" my heart raced, Pamela looked disturbed and scared.
"Oluwadarasimi take your siblings inside" he ordered Pamela.

I knew I was in trouble, his lips were down just the way he puts it when he's disappointed.

"Oluwanifemi" one
"Yes sir" I answered.
"Oluwanifemi" two
"Yes sir"
"Oluwanifemi" three
"Yes sir"
"Oluwanifemi" four
"Sir, yes sir"
"Oluwanifemi" five
"Yes sir"

"How many times did I call your name?" He asked me, I knew better than to answer the question.

"You are all your mother has in this world, so I would pray to God to give me the strength to stop myself from being your murder but" the pause followed, "if you lie to me si Olorun emi o pa o"

"Who are you friends with in your school?" He asked me.
"Only Skyler sir" I answered.

"Only her?" He was doubting already, If Pamela didn't tell him then who did?
What does he even know?

I nodded, "yes sir"
"Hmm" not the hmmm-ing

"Whose house did you go to the day I told you not to go to your friends house?"
So he found out I went to Skyler's, okay that's trouble but, how did he find out?
"No where sir" I lied, I knew for a fact he knew I went to her house since he's asking but, I'm a great lier.

"I know I gave birth to a daughter god fearing and honest, so mase puro fun mi, sho gbo?"
I nodded, "yes...beni sir"

"Good" he nodded.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked, two thing I hate about my dad, he would always go through the corners, never direct and straight to the point and once he has his mind made up nothing you say would change it.

"No sir, rara" I shook my head.
"Hmm... Oluwanifemi are you my daughter?" He asked me.
"Yes sir"
He chuckled, that's bad, because my dad never chuckles he can laugh and smile but not chuckle. "No you are not"
"Are you a confirmed Christan?"

"Yes sir"
"I doubt. Because a confirmed catholic would never behave in the devilish way you are behaving"

I was tempted to ask what I did but, I knew better.

"You are lying to me, I would ask you this question now. Are you a virgin?" He looked at me with disgust as if I were some harlot in the bible and he was a pharisee.

The question shocked me that I stuttered, which is something you should never do with your Nigerian parent.

"Wá kúnlè nìhín–ìn" he pointed at the spot in front of him, less than arms length, he could easily slap me. I knew what was coming and I was prepared.

As I knelt down the first thing I got was a hot slap on my left cheek.
He stood up to take his belt off before wiping me on my back, he used the edge with the steel buckle, I didn't move a muscle or wince which annoyed him. He threatens us not to cry and shout too loud so as not to attract neighbors but also hates it when we act unpaid and hardened.

"You are sleeping with boys" he said landing the belt on my back.
"No daddy" I said.

"You have been behaving like a prostitute" he whipped me harder.

"Your hand" he demanded, he whipped me on my hand and all over.

"Tell me the truth, I will not be the killer of my child"
"I've told you the truth"
"Shut up! Lier!"

"This is all your mother's fault, she is the reason you are behaving like this"
"Leave my_"

"You would not talk back at you father girl, you would talk to me with respect" he took his phone from the couch.

"Look" he placed the phone on my swollen hand. The video playing was the video that was shared to the students in school.

I checked the contact name Oluwanifemi's friend from Bamford Academy Skyla.

Tears rolled down my eyes as I read the chat between them.

Dad: what is all this?
Oluwanifemi's friend....: Good evening sir, this is Skyler, your daughters friend. I sent that video to show you what Zemela has been up to, I tried talking to her but she insulted me and stopped talking to me, for a month now we have not talked or even seen each other.
Dad: thank you dear for this information, action would be taken. You are a good friend, may God bless you.
        My best regards.

Skyler is a bitch...she sent those edited videos to my dad, my insides boiled with anger. How dear she? I'll never forgive her, my heart broke more. I trusted that bitch and this is how she pays me.

"I'll tell your grandma about this nonsense" my dad said whipping me again and again.

The last thing I remembered was Pamela begging my daddy to stop, my vision blurred with red color as numbness took over me slowly and my vision went black.

I'll try updating  today again.

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