Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty! 🎉🥳

Bryson's POV;-)

I wasn't at ease with the thoughts of Zemela's father being an abuser.

I wanted and needed to talk to her so bad, that I woke up early and pushed my ass out of bed, I was still at Nolan's, I became family long ago that I have my own room.

"Do you have an appointment or something?" Nolan looked at me suspiciously.
"Yeah, I have a very important appointment" I nodded gulping down my milk.
"I see" he sang-songed
"Think whatever" I stood up.

I drove us to school in his car, he slept on our way saying I woke him up early, he's such a drama queen he woke up on his own accord.

I felt like a foolish simp when I saw how empty school was, the most punctual student and I arrived at the same exact time, and Miss Zemela is nothing near punctual.

After what felt like ages, I sighted her, a tall man and a girl were walking by her side. The girl looked like the female and younger version of the man, Zemela looked nothing like them. I figured the man was her father and the girl her sister.

The man turned to Zemela to talk to her, I saw fear and anger in her expression and body language, she kept nodding stiffly at whatever the man said. I walked over to her locker to wait for her.

"I'll walk her to class" I told Arlo and two other kids that were by her locker, Arlo glared at me.
"C'mon, let's go" The girl I recognize as the school's press president or so and a boy I've never seen, tugged him.
"Whatever you are planning, end it!" Arlo said with gritted teeth.

I ignored him because I had important things to think of and do than arguing with a jealous teenager.

"Morning" I greeted her
"Morning" she muttered.

She turned to check if the man had followed her, "thank you for yesterday"
"Anytime" I studied her a bit, she was acting scared and insecure, "do you want to skip class?" I asked her.
"You won't get in trouble, we'll be back before school ends today. You don't seem to have the strength for mental torture"

She contemplated a bit, "what if someone sees us?" She shook her head, "I've had enough trouble I don't need more"

"So you want to live your life in fear? We are friends, I'm trying to cheer you up, besides I wouldn't let you get in trouble and Skyler isn_"
"Please don't" she cut me shut.
"You need to breath, school or class isn't the place for that" the bell for first period went off, "come with me" I held her by the wrist.

She reluctantly followed me out of school building.

I was glad I came in Nolan's SUV not my sports car.
I drove us to my favorite place, the drive was quite and uncomfortable because Zemela was quite and I knew she was disturbed.

"Where are we?" She asked as the beach house came into view.
"The airport" I said.
"Funny!" She frowned.
"My dad's private beach house, he hasn't been here for some years now,  so don't worry" I told her.

We took our shoes and socks off so we could sink our feet into the cool beach sand.

I led her into the luxurious beach house, "I hated this place when I was a child, I started liking it when I realized no one comes here anymore"

"I mostly stay on the beach though, when I come" I added, taking her round. Most of the furnitures were covered, the wooden floor was all dusty and sandy.

She remained quiet allowing me to do all the talking, we went back outside and sat close to the water, out feets and palms buried into the sand.

"The man from this morning, is he your father?" I turned my head to look at her side profile, her hair flew all around her face. She nodded slowly.

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