Chapter Fifty-nine

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Seven months old.

Zemela's POV:-)

Uncle Jason handled the court case with dad, Pamela and I had to testify along with Mrs Mateo and some others.

I was so happy when the whole court case thing was over, his penalty was a fine of fifty thousand dollars for twenty years.

HA! All his fortune gone!

"Hey" Pamela nudged me, "it'll be fine" she reassured me. We we're sitting in the waiting room for my scan, Uncle Jason was still out trying to park his car.

I sighed, "I know, I'm just thinking about dad" I said, "how's uncle Jason's?" I asked her.

"Honestly, I thought I wouldn't like it with him but, I was wrong. He's so cool, I wonder why Mercy cheated on him with our boring piece of a dad. He's a good cook too" she smiled.

"I get why you like it at his place now. You don't work!"

She shook her head, "no, no I don't"

"Was he always that rich?" She asked me.
"Yeah, I guess Mercy married him for his money" I said.

"Hmm" she nodded, "make sense"

"Zemela Olufola you're up next" a female nurse told me.

"Go in, I'll come with Jason" she said.

"Good morning Zemela" the doctor smiled at me.

"Good morning Dr Brown" I greeted him.

"How do you feel?" He asked me with a smile. He's one smiley doctor.

I nodded, "pretty alright" I laid down.

"You look pretty good for a pregnant woman" he laughed at his own words.

"I feel good too, only I don't sleep as much as I do before" I complained.

"It's normal, pregnancy comes with different type of package" he said.

"This might tickle a bit" he said applying gel to my abdomen.

A Knock came from behind the door, uncle Jason peeped in, "may I come in?" He asked.

"Yes" I answered.

He looked at the doctor, "yes sure" Dr Brown answered. Uncle Jason came in followed by Pamela and Nolan. Nolan!!!

Why was he here? I was mad at him. Why was I mad? I have no idea why I hate him. It was at that point I decided not to hate him anymore.

"Congratulations!" Doctor Brown said with a bigger smile.

"It's a girl!" He declared.

"Thank God!" I sighed.

"Congratulations!" Nolan said.

"What would her name be?" Pamela asked me.

"Grace Arike obviously" I said.

"Your mother's name?" Nolan asked.
I was pissed at first, then I remembered I wasn't mad at him no more, so I nodded, "yes"

Uncle Jason drove Pamela and I to Mateo's while Nolan rode in his own fancy car.

"Zemela!" Ruby hugged me.

"Hi guys!" I smiled at them all.
"Tell us already girl" Mrs Mateo said.

"The name is Grace Arike" I said.

"A girl!" Ruby giggled.

Mrs Mateo clapped, "the lord has blessed me with a granddaughter too" she smiled grateful.

"We have to start shopping immediately" Sadiki said.

"Let's make plans" Nolan dragged Sadiki along.

Mrs Mateo walked to me, "I'm so happy for you. And proud of you for deciding to keep her, you'll be a great mom I know that" she smiled at me.

"Thank you Mrs Mateo" I said.

She squeezed my hand, "he'll be back, don't worry" she added before quietly walking away.

Ruby read my reaction because she said, "it's really obvious you still love him" she also walked away after saying that leaving me with my thoughts.

Did I really want Bryson back?
No, right?

I apologize for the delay in updating and for the short chapter.

School is stressful(someone should have warned me😭)
I can't even have weekends to myself 🥲

Bare with me.
Esé (thank you?

It Started with a BETOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz