Chapter Forty-two

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A/n: before I go on I want to thank you all for getting me to 1k reads! I'm so happy, thank you very much.

And to ghost readers, I sight you:-)

Bryson's POV ;-)

Nolan called to tell me Ruby was back in town and in school, the news plastered a stupid embarrassing smile on my face.

I arrived school at 7:30 only to meet Fauna standing like she was expecting me in the parking lot, "morning Bryson" she flipped her hair wrapping her arm around mine, she smelt like her regular favorite body wash, Olay.

"Morning" I greeted back.
"I won't be staying back in New York with you for Thanksgiving" I told her, thanksgiving was in two days, we were to leave for New York in the evening.

She unwrapped her arm from mine, "why? What happened?"
I shoved my hands into my pocket, "nothing"
"Your parents won't even be around" she scoffed–pfft they're never around, my mom had something to do and she made my dad stay with her. Typical.

"I'm spending it with Nolan" I said.
"Wait! So you're picking Nolan over me?" I was surprised she found it shocking.
"Yes" I said in a 'duh' tone.
She scoffed, "I was hoping to catch up with my childhood best friend because you've been acting distant and.." she paused, I knew what she was going to say, "you're mom wants us to spend time together too"

Shaking my head I said, "the sooner you understand I don't give a shit about my mother, the better"
"...and Nolan is now my best bud" I walked away before she could pull any your mom string in me.

She was in class, sitting beside Arlo. She pretended not to see me when I walked past her to my usual seat.
I wasn't sure if Ruby had spoken to her yet, so I waited till after first period before trying to talk to her.

I walked up to her while her body guard-Arlo was still in class being the teachers good boy.
"Hey you" I smiled down at her.
"Hey" she smiled back, "dick head"
I grinned at the name.

I looked to make sure Arlo wasn't out of class yet, "come with me" I started pulling her towards the gym, she said something in the line of Arlo would look for me, but I didn't care.

Once we were inside the gym, she spoke again, "I was waiting for Arlo so we could head for chemistry practicals, he wo_" my lips crashed with hers, kissing her again made my insides dance with joy. I didn't care how needy I was acting because her lips was all I could think of while I hooked up with random girls.

"Ar_" I shut her up again with my lips, mainly because she was still caring about Arlo, I wanted to show her what Arlo couldn't give to her or make her feel.

She moaned against my lips, I held her waist kissing her hard because her lips were so soft and they were what I longed for since.

"Bryson" she tried pulling away.
"I bet Arlo isn't as fun as I am" I teased her lips pulling her closer.
She blushed, "you're so corny and you're a dick head" she said.

I stepped back a little, holding her face in my palms, "I'm so sorry for everything" I apologized.
She bit back a smile, "it wasn't entirely your fault. I should have listened to what you had to say. It's all fine now"

A smirk played on my lips when I caught her staring at them at them.

She straddled me when I picked her up.
I walked us to the back so her back could rest against the wall. I placed a hand underneath her, the other behind her neck to guide her, her arms were wrapped around my neck firmly, fingers moving through my hair. I kissed her making her moan softly.

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