Chapter Twenty-two

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Zemela's POV :-)

Another day of school____
I couldn't think of anything else other than Skyler when I got dressed.

I was up early because I didn't even sleep at all, overthinking was always my thing. I was up all night overthinking everything that has happened to me, flashes of Reggie Abdon's action kept taunting me.

Classes were fast –or I just wasn't paying attention– I was on autopilot, no teacher caught me not paying attention though, so I didn't get questioned. Sadiki and Arlo kept their distance too or I avoided them by leaving class super early and using the back hallway.

I had basketball practice and God knows my mental health couldn't even recognize a ball. Ruby wouldn't bug me but Rose would and I couldn't stand human interaction, my mind was not ready.

My best friends voice came from behind, just as I was giving up on life.

Thank you God!

My heart leaped with joy.
"Skyler!" I hugged her.
She smiled hugging me back.

"I'm sorry" she apologized
"For? I'm the one meant to apologize, Reggie was...did he attack you too?" I pulled back to look at her properly

She nodded slowly, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you I was....I was shocked and terrified, I didn't know what to think really, I am sorry for the way I treated you" she sniffed, her Zambian accent betrayed her, she tries so hard to cover it up.

"It's fine, I'm not angry, I understand" I told her.
"I have basketball practice and work today" I informed her.

"Can we...we hang out tomorrow?" She asked.
I shrugged, then nodded, making her smile widely.

We said our goodbyes and I happily went for practice, Ruby figured Skyler and I had made up but she was a little bit doubtful of Skyler –to hell with her doubts– I have my best friend back, I don't care about any other thing.

To be honest I fear loosing Skyler, she's the only best friend I have –minus Sadiki– loosing her would be painful.

"See you tomorrow" I waved at Ruby as we went our separate ways, my shift was a two hour shift. Since I spoke to Skyler earlier all my worries varnished.

Work was smooth, I was up and about.
My two hour shift finished and I was on my way to the bus station.

"Hey" Arlo walked up to me..
"Hey" I pushed my hair back, "what are you doing here?" Why would he be around this area by this time–highly suspicious– my senses were at alert already.
He shrugged, "you've been acting weird. Are you okay? I didn't see you after classes too, so I decided to stop by"

"Stop by, by this time?" I turned my neck to look at him.
"Yeah, I didn't want to disturb your work" he said.

Don't believe him. My brain warned me.
"How are you?" He asked me.
I nodded slowly, "I'm good"

"You got Sadiki worried" he said.
"I know, I honestly feel bad. I'll talk to him and explain everything to him" I said.
"You should. Something happened between he and Skyler"

"What?" I asked looking at him.
"I'm not in the best position to tell you" I nodded with a "hmm"

We fell into a comfortable silence.
He spoke breaking the silence, "I know Skyler is your best friend but, Sadiki is your best friend too, think about him" what is he talking about.

He continued not allowing me to ask any question, "I know something happened but, I don't know what exactly it is. You were really not okay, I'm glad you're your normal self again" he said, my bus was getting closer the lights were already visible.

I smiled, "me too" I was eager to get away from him.
"If you choose Skyler over Sadiki I would still be your friend and seat partner" he said, he gave my hand a gentle squeeze, "bye" I would not choose anyone, I'll try to fix their relationship.

I flashed him a smile, "bye. Thank you"

I didn't see it coming, I should have sensed it but I didn't, immediately it happened images of Reggie Abdon filled my head.

I jumped back immediately, "why di_" I shook my head.
"I.. I'm sorry, I thought you would_"

I didn't wait for him to complete his sentence before rushing into the bus, we were the only ones at the stop, I sat  away from the window.

He kissed me, why? Was that why he came to actually see me? To kiss me? Is this a game to him? Did Reggie Abdon send him?

More images of Reggie filled my head. I have to put an end to this memory!

What's up guys 😊?

This chapter is short because I'm trying to concentrate on my mango and typing won't allow me do that.
And it's more of a filler honestly.
I'm trying so hard to avoid writer's block rii now, pray for me.

The next couple of chapters might or might not be this short because they're all fillers and because there's lots of mango at home.

Sowi in advance 🥺

Vote because this is the month of Ramadan 🐽

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Also leave a comment if you think Zemela is stupid.

See y'all 😊

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