Chapter Thirty-one

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Zemela's POV :-)

Aunt Mercy dailed my dad immediately we got home, after their short conversation and decent flirting the call ended and she called my paternal grandparents.

"E kaasan" I greeted them
"Ah E kaasan o my dear, how are you?" My grandma asked, I so much love their Yoruba tongue, how they can't pronounce H is so funny and nice when they speak.

"I'm fine ma" I love my grandparents because they support me even though they believe I am possessed.

"Kú isé, don't mind your father. He wants to kill you for me ehn, Mercy!"
"Ma" Aunt Mercy answered.
"You better tell him to leave my grandchild alone, ko ni pa a fun mi ohh. He is complaining about her, what about him? He is doing the same thing and the bibeli mimo said you awon spec ninu re oju saaju ki o to yo awon log ni miiran ka oju" my grandpa said.

"If he doesn't want her, he should send her over here to Nigeria, her home land"
"Uhmm" my grandma agreed.

"Oluwanifemi, Ajoke" she called my oriki, "you would not be a troublesome and unfortunate child in Jesus name" she prayed.
"The lord will protect you"
"The lord will shame your enemies"
"Amennn" I stressed.

"It is well, sho gbo?" She asked me.
"Beni ma, Esé adupe"
"Dúpe lowo Olorun"
"Ehn Mercy let me talk to you" that was my cue to leave.

My grandparents words and prayer boosted my spirit.


Morning came faster than I expected or maybe it was because I slept peacefully for the first time in days.

Knowing my grandparents got my back made me really happy.
I expected my dad to wake me up or something when he got back but he didn't.

I had a long shower not caring if I wasted water, my dad told me I'd stop working because he wants to monitor me, so the whole bills are on him, I don't care!

Heaven knows he needs my financial assistance but he has bigger behavioral issues than his financies.

Pamela was on my bed when I walked into my room.
"Good morning" she greeted.
"Good morning" I smiled.

"Daddy is going to allow you to work" she informed me.
"Really? When did he make the decision?"
"Yesterday, after a long talk with grandma and grandpa. Hell! He knows he needs your support I don't even know what he was thinking" she chuckled.


I chuckled, "you know your father, but, when did he start listening to his parents?"
"He obviously doesn't want to be reported for child abuse and because he knows he really needs the money you make" she shrugged.

Ohhh, I see!

"Do you know aunt Mercy is married? To a white guy"
"No!" My eyes widened

She chuckled, "I over heard them yesterday, she's married and...I think... she's pregnant"

Wow! My father is a great man!
"Life is getting interesting" I chuckled.
She frowned, "as interesting as it may seem if things blow up I don't want to end up in foster care" she said.

I went to sit beside her, "you won't and if at all something happens grandma would fight with all her strength to see that we go back home"

I wasn't wishing bad for my dad and I wanted my siblings to have an okay life but I was really hoping things happen so he'd have a taste of his own medicine.

My dad told me what Pamela had already told me, he only allowed me work at Mateo's cafe no where else because he believes she has less customers that way I'd interact with less people.

It Started with a BETOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora