Chapter Forty-one

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Zemela's POV

Thanksgiving was in three days and Ruby wasn't coming back till after thanksgiving–after my birthday. I was happy she'll be back soon, I felt so lonely even with the others around.

I didn't emphasis on my birthday because I'm not really a fan of celebrating the day my problem all started, I mean if I weren't born I wouldn't have life problems.

"You're happy today" Pamela sat on my bed.
"Yeah, Ruby is coming back soon" I said buttoning up my school shirt.

"You trust people alot and easily too" she picked my..the phone up, I hadn't used it since the incident with Bryson, it's no longer my phone either.
"No I don't"

" argue alot"
I opened my mouth then closed it back, I sighed, "Ruby is different, I can feel it"

She chuckled, "yeah right? The same way you felt about Skyler"
I rolled my eyes, "whatever Pamela. I don't want to discuss it with you" I snatched the phone from her.

She spoke, "I'm only going to tell you the truth, I'm not saying Ruby isn't good or genuine or anything I'm just saying you shouldn't put all your trust in her, give her the benefit of doubt, they say don't put all your eggs in one basket"

"Now, if Bryson should genuinely apologize would you forgive him?"
I didn't want to discuss Bryson Griffin with her but, she sounded so smart and so sure.
I shrugged, "I don't know"
"No stress I'll just tell you something, you want him back stop suffering yourself. The sooner you admit it the sooner you'll get over him" she said closing the door behind her.

I knew she was right but, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to get over him.

"It's not my fault" I sat on my bed.
"I've never had such relationship with any guy, no guy has gone down on me or kissed me"


You haven't learnt your lesson, a voice laughed at me.

Ignoring everything, I carried my sorry self out of the house to the bus stop.

Nothing exciting happened at school, I had AP chemistry. I barely paid any attention to what everybody was saying.

At work I promised myself ice cream for break but, that promise went down the drain once it was my break time because I was so lazy to walk down the block for ice cream. I ended up settling for a cold brew mocha and kit Kat slam–a new addition to the menu.

"Zemela!" Ruby waved walking towards the booth.
"Ruby!" I stood up with a wide smile.
We hugged, "what are you doing here?" I pulled back.
"I came back yesterday" she said.
"You aren't meant to be back till after thanksgiving"
She shrugged, "things got better and I decided to come back four your birthday!" She cheered knowing quite well I don't like birthday's.

"Have you had ice cream today!" She asked.

"Let's go then"
I raised my brows, "did you suddenly get rich?"

We walked down the blocks to the ice cream shop.
"How was Kentucky!" I asked.

"It was uneventful and blur, I spent most of my time taking care of my mother–after all that's what I went there for" she said rolling her eyes a bit.
"I'm glad she's okay" I said taking a spoonful of my creamy monster ice cream.
"Me too, I really can't loose her too" she said.
"No you can't, that'll be sad"

"Okay, we came here to catch up not to think sad thoughts" she smiled, I nodded in agreement.

"Oh Ruby! I missed you" I cooed.
"Sure you do, who won't miss me?" She smiled, "Rose has been blasting me with 'i miss you bad' messages" she laughed.
"Rose can be rose sometimes" I said.

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