Chapter 26

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Although Imaan is very shy and obedient on the outside, she is a rebel at heart, as the days went by, she began to feel more aggrieved as she was itching to go outside, in her father's house she was free to go wherever she wanted with the company of her brothers, but now, her husband rarely takes her out,

At first, she gave a lot of hints like talking about her friend's vacation with her husband and talking about their dates but it seemed like he barely even listened to her, he looked very uninterested while listening to her and looked as if he would be anywhere else in the world instead of listening to her speak.

Noticing his increasingly hurtful actions, Imaan got disheartened and wept silently, she wants to be a free spirit and travel a lot! She thought after marriage she would travel around the world with her life partner but her life partner would rather spend his time travelling to and from the office of his company and home.

Imaan frowned as she looked at her calendar, as usual, she doesn't have any plans for the whole month except for attending the engagement party of one of her friends, who she barely knows anything about but got the invitation anyways.

While looking at the overlay pink calendar of hers, Imaan grinned mischievously as she thought of an idea, while grinning Imaan thought of the consequences if her plan foiled but she is unbothered as always.

On the other side, Wahid looked at his wife and smiled gently as he thought of his plan to surprise her, he was busy all day preparing the best trip for her, although he pretended to be uninterested while she speaking, in fact, he was very much attentive to her as he took notes on what she liked and didn't, he called his assistant to enquire about his arrangements in front of her,


"Hello, Mandy, have you booked the hotel yet?" Wahid asked nonchalantly as he pretended to examine his fingernails,

"Mhm, yeah for the whole week, are you sure it's the best hotel in there?" He asked his assistant and he side glanced at his eavesdropping wife

"It's near the world-famous pub, right? What was its name again? Ah, harami pub! Make sure to book the pub for the whole day for the party" Wahid laughed as he saw Imaan glaring at him menacingly.

After exchanging a few more words he disconnected his call and casually looked at Imaan as if asking 'what's up?'

"Harami pub? Seriously? Are you going there?" Imaan asked him with a questioning look in her eyes,

"Um yeah, it's the best one in Hawaii apparently" Wahid replied with an unbothered attitude as he lay down on the sofa with his laptop on his lap,

"No! You mustn't go to places like that! It's haram! The name of the place is haram too! Must you go to that party?" Imaan asked aggrieved.

"First of all, it's very rude to eavesdrop, cut that out already, and second, I'm a free man, I can go wherever I want to, who are you to stop me?"

"I'm your wif-

"Stop with that bullshit already, you're my wife in name only, from the deepest part of my heart, i don't really care about your opinions and wishes," Wahid said heartlessly while he searched for the best tourist spots in Hawaii.

Upset by his words, Imaan dejectedly walked into her bathroom and cried her eyes out,

'Why must I have a husband like him? Why should I be trapped here? What have I done to deserve this?' She asked herself as she wept pitifully.

Wahid looked at the closed door and uttered a soft 'oof' as he thought over what he said,

'Hm, maybe I was too harsh with her, I forgot how much of a wuss she is'

Honestly, he didn't even want to plan this trip or even take a break from his work, he only did it because he was forced by his father or else he would have never taken her out on his own initiative, although it's a forced trip on his behalf, he still wanted to plan the best for her so she would not think of going on another trip for at least a year.

He wanted to give her a little surprise so he decided to not tell her until the day of the trip and wanted to lower her expectations just for the fun of it.

'Looks like I may have overdone it, but whatever she'll be okay

After a long silent hour of browsing through some work files on his laptop, Imaan finally came out of  the bathroom with very unsightly red eyes,

Wahid only looked at her for a second before rolling his eyes and turning away, Imaan smiled bitterly and walked over to him.

"So... When is this trip hm?" She asked him without any emotion on her face,

"In a few days, why? Why do you wanna know? You have a plan to ruin it or something?" He snorted with displeasure as he replied to her,

"No, I just wanted to know so I could inform my father and stay at his house for the time period" Imaan replied looking calmer than she did before,

"You, listen to me, you're not telling your father about this alright? I don't want to waste my time dealing with your heck of a father, dealing with mine is already a big problem on its own, so don't even think of telling on me like a little kid"

"HEY! Don't disrespect my father and yours like that"

"Jee, what a kid, shoo, go and play with your toys, maybe I'll arrange a babysitter for you" Wahid laughed as he closed his laptop,

Unfortunately, Imaan didn't find it humourous and gave him the stink eye as she fell onto the bed dejectedly,

"At least tell me when!"

"Okay alright! It'll be on this Friday"

'Wow! Riya's engagement is this Friday too! Coincidence? I think not! This is my chance to get away!'

"Can you like take me with you?"


"Alright then, my friend's engagement party is on the same day too, can I at least go there?"


"WHAT! why not?!"

"I'm your husband and I won't allow you so shut up"

"Wow! I can't believe you!"

"Well I can't believe how amazing I am either so chill"

"I hate you!"

"The feelings mutual" Wahid replied as he put on his eye mask, ready to sleep, he didn't want to argue with her anymore.

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