Chapter 8

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Imaan buried her face deep into the pillows as she remembers his words again and again.

She couldn't wrap her head around what just happened at his house.

It's 2 in the afternoon and she was still blushing her poor face out.

She couldn't control herself when he called her his wifey,

A word foreign to her but yet so familiar hearing from him, She hadn't even had her lunch because all she did was lay on her bed with her head buried into the pillow.

Noora came to convince her to have her lunch but all she did was to deep bury her face hoping her little sister won't see her flushed face.

After a long time of convincing her, Noora got tired and left thinking that this was a perfect opportunity to make her sister's name rot so she quickly ran to her father's room to rat her sister out, after all, Tahir hated when anyone skipped on precious food.

When there was silence in Imaan's room for a long time, Imaan peeked curiously from her pillow and looked around for her sister.

She signed in relief thinking that her sister gave up when realising her absence,

But quickly her eyes widened realising her sister's character, she would probably rat her out to her father so she quickly ran to the kitchen downstairs giving the maid a small smile and began to eat the fruits on the table while sitting down quietly.

It wasn't a good enough lunch but if her father saw her in the kitchen eating anything that was edible then he would be convinced and Imaan knew that about him.

Imaan glanced at the stairs hearing angry footsteps and saw her father and sister walking upstairs through another stair near to them,

Of course to her room

Imaan cleared her throat and said "Assalamu Alaikum Hajaa" to the maid loudly

Both her sister and father were startled hearing her voice they glanced down and saw Imaan who was supposedly 'burying her face into her pillow refusing to eat her food

According to Noora's words.

Tahir snapped his head to his youngest daughter who was equally surprised as him.

She gritted her teeth and smiled sheepishly at him and ran to the kitchen with Tahir following her.

Imaan knowing that they were coming down, began to compliment Hajaa on how good the fruit was.

"The grape was s-" She was interpreted by her only sister,

"You! You are supposed to be in your room" Noora yelled frustrated showing an accusing finger towards her.

For once she wanted to be the perfect daughter,

But Imaan had to ruin it for her every single time!

She herself had told Imaan shamelessly that she wanted to be the perfect daughter, to which Imaan just shrugged not taking her seriously and told "Perfection is not a real thing, we both are favoured by our family equally".

But for Noora, it was serious very serious.

"Am I supposed to?" Imaan asked innocently fluttering her eyelashes innocently.

Tahir fell for that and glared at Noora once again "Noora please don't do this again! Next time you'll be grounded" Tahir said harshly and left the kitchen giving a warm smile to Imaan.

Imaan felt slightly guilty but it was Noora's fault after all.

Noora glared at Imaan with a scowl on her face.

"You'll be soon out of here anyway then I'll be the only daughter for him and the only sister for my brothers!" Noora said harshly laughing childishly at Imaan.

It was only supposed to hurt her for a bit but Imaan was hurt a lot more than that she pushed her plate away and ran to her room with tears in her eyes.

She couldn't believe that her own sister was this cruel to her.

Noora rolled her eyes 'You cannot always run away' she thought as she sat on the sofa and began to read random gossip in the magazine.

Imaan's all happiness at Wahid's words was replaced by sadness over Noora's words

She loved her sister and thought Noora loved her too

But guess she was wrong

She went to the wardrobe and looked at her wedding dress and sighed sadly as she took her old clothes and put them in a cloth bag for the needy,

As she was going to a new home she should give up all her things from her birth home

It wasn't an Islamic tradition but a Family tradition it was to show that her husband is capable of providing her with all the necessary things and doesn't need to depend on her birth home,

The only thing she can take with her is her wedding dress and two optional things

Only two

Imaan has already decided what she wanted to take with her,

The photo of her mother with her and her designing sketchbooks along with other designing things, She was sure that no one is going to buy her those things there,

Wahid had always hated her designs or so she thought because whenever she brought her designs to school to show them to her friends he always snatched it away from her, and tear the pages infront of her eyes, but now she has to love that man.

Imaan pushed all the negative thoughts of him away since she was going to be his wifey

She started to blush once again remembering his words and looked at her bright yellow walls filled with designs of sunflower fields,

She always admired them and cleaned them regularly

Yeah she cleaned the walls

She cleans everything because she loves to be clean

But the walls were more special to her since her mother hand-painted them for her with beautiful sunflower drawings,

It was perfect with her favourite colour and favourite flower

Her mother was a great designer too but she too was refused off her dream by her husband just like Imaan,

Her father hated anything colourful or anything that's showing colourful emotions so naturally he hated designing too but ironically he liked to draw often and will show off to his children when he draws a beautiful portrait, what a hypocrite.

Imaan loved designing and she was good at it too! she always had good designs in her pencil's tip and can draw a decent design in a fraction of a second!

But she had no one to show it except her friends and her childhood bestfriend Dawood,

She smiled at the thought of him

He was her best friend and used to visit her frequently as they were family friends too, the adults let them be friends for a long time before they started highschool,

When Imaan hit puberty her father denied her from meeting him and she agreed too reluctantly

She learned from her Islamic class that other men other than family and husband were haram and to never even glance at them

But she couldn't help but miss him

He was always her best friend and used to light up her mood with his sweet smile

Imaan smiled and picked up the picture of him innocently smiling that she had hidden deep in her closet and she was sure she was going to somehow sneak this picture inside her sketchbook


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