Chapter 27

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"Sir, as their company is filing for bankruptcy, this meeting is very essential for you to attend," Mandy said to Wahid while he looked vexed,

"Why isn't the meeting on Thursday? I'm sure they don't have any celebratory party to attend on that day" Wahid asked sarcastically as he looked at the documents,

"Sir, they have an important court hearing on Thursday, it's very important for them to attend"

"Hm, then what about tomorrow?"

"Sir, Tomorrow you have two other meetings to attend, do you want to postpone those?"

"No, I want it to be over with, jee, seems like the trip is going to be postponed"

"Sir, those meetings are minor ones, we can have them after the trip"

"I don't remember asking for your opinions, postpone the trip to Saturday and there's the door, Mandy"

Mandy looked unbothered at her arrogant boss's attitude and left his office.

"Wow, she's really good" Wahid said to himself after she left, seems like he finally found a good employee who can tolerate him,

He whistled lightly as he looked at the mountain load of paperwork he has to sign for the day when his phone tinged alerting him of a new message,

"Can I please go to the engagement party? Please please please" - Imaan

"Maybe" - Wahid

"Is that a yes?" - Imaan

"No" - Wahid

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" - Imaan

"Okay, stop bothering me" - Wahid

Imaan did a light happy dance as she saw his reply and started making plans to escape Riya's engagement party as soon as she get there, she doesn't even remember the face of her former classmate so it didn't feel wrong planning to bunk it.

She searched for fun places near the venue of the engagement party and much to her delight there is a huge mall just opposite to it! She just has to make sure that she doesn't get recognized by anyone there,

Shopping is something that she rarely does as most of the time it was done by her sister who buys clothes and stuff for both of them while Imaan stays at home studying but she always wanted to go shopping alone without any of her family members and it looks like Friday is her lucky day!

Imaan went to her closet and took her purse out, she has saved a lot of money after getting married to Wahid, he likes to leave money around the house for her to find, she thinks it's a cute form of gift from him but Wahid only wanted to pay her indirectly whenever she cooks for him, too bad innocent Imaan doesn't know that.

After counting her money she decided to buy a lot of stuff which she has always wanted, like huge teddy bears, expensive chocolates, Lego sets and many more! She could always make excuses for them as a gift from her father or brothers so she didn't fear getting caught by Wahid.

Grinning with delight Imaan made preparations for the day, gleefully unaware of what was about to happen.



Imaan woke up in a daze and prayed Fajr, she asked forgiveness from Allah for what she was about to do and ended her prayer by asking Allah to guide her husband to the straight path and her too,

Finishing her prayer, Imaan gently tapped on Wahid's shoulder to wake him up as usual, Wahid snorted as he rolled onto another side of the bed while hugging his pillow, Imaan slightly giggled at his cuteness and poked his cheeks playfully when she suddenly remembered the hurtful words he said to her before and she angrily pinched his earlobe with force which finally woke him up from his slumber,

Wahid groggily looked at his wife who has just assaulted his earlobe, he swatted her hand away and went to the bathroom angrily, the whole way he was muttering about her annoying ways,

Rolling her eyes Imaan arranged their bed, she skipped around happily as she was very excited to go shopping, she giggled to herself thinking of all the fun things she was going to do, like going to Gamestation!

Walking out of the bathroom Wahid was blessed with the sight of his wife laughing alone, Imaan quickly stopped laughing when she saw him and instead looked blankly at him.

"Woman, why are you laughing alone?" He asked suspiciously, raising one of his eyebrows,

"Why? I can't laugh now?" Imaan replied with an attitude while crossing her hands,

"Ah, I can't believe I forgot it!" Wahid exclaimed dramatically and lightly slapped his forehead,

"Forgot what?" Imaan asked curiously as she watched him closely,

"Forgot that you're retarded" Wahid replied with a smirk and without a care started getting dressed for the day

Imaan stomped the floor and left the room angrily but not before shouting,

"Don't forget to pray Fajr!"

"Whatever" came his uncaring reply

The bickering couple exchanged a few more angry words which led to the male leaving the home early, Imaan got upset by his uncaring attitude and ate her breakfast with a grumpy face, from the corner of her eye she saw an envelope, not containing her curiosity she opened it and saw a letter inside along with some money, opening the letter she recognised her husband's handwriting,

Don't forget to buy a gift for your friend, the driver will pick you up at 9, don't be a stingy and late woman.

Admiring his beautiful handwriting, Imaan thought over what she is about to do, she slightly felt guilty but the excitement took over her heart, she has always wanted to do something like this and she definitely couldn't miss this chance,

Finishing her breakfast she went upstairs to get ready for her short time out, she took a modest dress from her closet and chose an equally modest hijab, she preferred light colours over dark and for this occasion she especially chose an even lighter one in order to blend in with others, after getting ready she waited for the driver outside the door, while outside she smiled as she admired the green bushes trimmed to perfection and beautiful yellow flowers dancing due to the slight windy weather,

After a few minutes, the driver arrived, she got into the car excitedly and started thinking about the things she would buy, clutching the purse tightly in her hands she asked the driver to stop near the entrance of a famous boutique shop just a few walks away from the engagement party,

"I need to buy some things here, I can manage from here, thank you, sir," Imaan said respectfully to the driver

"Ok, Madam, at what time should I come to pick you up?" The driver asked

"At around 2 is fine"

"Ok madam, have a nice day"

"You too!"

The driver left Imaan alone near the high-end boutique shop, she immediately went inside to browse through some clothes as she was examining a beautiful red dress, a slight tap on her shoulder startled her, she quickly turned around,


Gasping in shock Imaan looked at the man in front of her.

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