Chapter 35

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Imaan had always dreamed of going to Hawaii, or any other island, She had always been entranced by the crystal-clear waters, pristine beaches, and lush foliage,

It had been only one night, When her dreams came true, Imaan and Wahid got up early in the morning and left for the airport, Imaan could hardly contain her excitement as she imagined herself standing infront of the beautiful ocean,

They went to the airport and quickly got on Wahid's private plane,

Imaan stared blankly at the luxurious interior, despite the fact that her family is also well-off, They couldn't be compared with Wahid's wealth, his bank account alone can feed 10 generations, Imaan felt slightly intimidated as she walked inside,

When she went inside, the airhostess pushed a wheelchair near her causing Imaan to look at her in confusion,

Wahid glanced at her steady legs and asked the airhostess to place it inside, incase of emergency,

Slightly startled by his caring attitude, Imaan smiled secretly in her heart,

The airhostess showed her to a comfortable seat while Wahid walked to another seat near to the back, as a business owner and the head of the majority of the departments in the company, Wahid had no break and for this vacation he had to push back many meetings, it completely changed his schedule, but that doesn't mean that he can stay completely free for a while,

As soon as he sat down, Wahid started to work on his laptop, he pursed his lips as Imaan continued to watch him,

She hoped that this trip will change the state of their relationship,

'Isn't this a honeymoon?' Imaan thought in wonder,

While Imaan was engrossed in her own thoughts, Wahid's expression darkened, his business rivals noticing his absence, started to make moves on his company, they somehow hacked into the employee pay slip and messed with the arrangements, Wahid gritted his teeth with annoyance and ordered his lawyers to take appropriate measures,

'These bastards'

It's been only a few hours since he took a break, and already he was dealing with some trouble,

"Do you want some water?" Imaan asked hesitatingly, she noticed his distressed behaviour and couldn't help but pour a glass of water for him,

Wahid looked at her face and sneered,

'It was all because of her! If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have taken this unnecessary break and had to deal with all this trouble' Wahid thought angrily,

"You don't have to do this," Wahid said as he signalled the airhostess towards him,

"Yes sir?"

"Pour me a glass of coffee, two sugar cubes" Wahid ordered as he dismissed Imaan,

Hurt by his behaviour Imaan went back to her seat and tried not to cry,

After that, the whole ride to Hawaii was in silence,

Few hours later, they finally reached Hawaii, Imaan looked around in amazement, even the airport looked spectacular!

But despite the incredible setting, she couldn't help feeling as though something wasn't quite right. It seemed as though Wahid was always distracted, and he seemed to be irritated with her for some reason, Imaan tried not to let her disappointment show, thinking that perhaps Wahid just needed a little time to adjust to the new surroundings.

They spent the first few days of their trip touring the islands, basking in the sun and soaking up the culture. But something started to feel off to Imaan, Wahid was quiet all the time, and he seemed like he was preoccupied with something else.

It was on the third day of their trip that everything changed, Imaan had woken up early to enjoy the sunrise, she felt like she needed some time alone to enjoy the beautiful view without her husband constantly scowling at everything,

As she looked at the beautiful sunrise, she wished for a better future with him,

When she returned to their hotel room to find Wahid on the phone inside the bedroom and she could hear his conversation as she sat on the dining room, and her heart began to sink.

"I freaking hate this!" Wahid snapped into the phone. "You know I can't stand being around her. I'm only doing this for my father."

"This is why I didn't want to marry, now look what I have to deal with, those bastards are monitoring my every move, I can't catch a break!" He angrily continued complaining to his friend,

Imaan's heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest. What is he taking about? Had he been lying to her all along? She found herself struggling to breathe as she listened in horror, her tears flowing like hot lava.

Wahid ended the call and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him and didn't notice his wife crying alone. Imaan couldn't believe what had just happened. She had this vain hope that one day Wahid would accept her, but his words had shattered that illusion.

For the rest of the day, Imaan spent her time in their hotel room, barely leaving her bed. She tried to eat something, but the food simply turned to ash in her mouth. In her mind, she replayed Wahid's words over and over again, trying to find some sort of explanation for his hate,

As the hours passed, she began to realize that Wahid's words were nothing new, He had always been distant and aloof,  Her heart ached with the realization that the man she loved will never love her in return,

After days of being confined to their room, Imaan knew that she had to confront him. She gathered her courage and made her way out into the lobby, looking around for her husband. She finally found him sitting on the beach, using his mobile.

"Wahid, I know what you said," Imaan said quietly, Wahid didn't turn to look at her, but she could tell that he was listening.

"I know that you took me to Hawaii as a way to please your father," Imaan said, her voice shaking. "But I need to know how you really feel about me."

Wahid finally turned to look at her, his eyes filled with tiredness, "Imaan, you shouldn't have listened to my conversation, don't you have some basic manners?" Soon anger clouded his mind as he continued,

"Yes I took you here to please my father, now see what happened, do you know how many problems I had to deal with because of you? It feels like your father passed on you to me as a curse" Wahid said brutally not caring about her feelings,

Imaan felt as though her world was crashing down around her. She had given everything to him, she tried her very best for him and all she get in return is despise from him,

"Wahid, you won't ever love me?" She asked in a broken voice as tears streamed down her face,

She hoped that he would something like, 'I'll try' or 'Maybe', but his response completey broke her,

"I'll never love you"

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