Chapter 40

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Coming out of her shock, Imaan recoiled away from him in pain and shock, tears already building up in her eyes as she gazed up at her husband. The realization of what had just happened hit her like a ton of bricks.

Wahid had just hit her, something that had never happened before.

"I'm sorry, Imaan," Wahid apologised again as he held her close,

But it was too late. The damage had been done. Imaan could hardly look at him. She was hurt and angry at the same time. Wahid had never been physically violent with her before, but he had always been emotionally distant.

Wahid tried to talk to her, but Imaan refused to listen. She was scared of him now and didn't know what he might do next. That night, she cried herself to sleep, wondering how she had ended up in this situation.

The next morning, Wahid woke up before Imaan and went down to the kitchen and started making breakfast. He felt terrible about what had happened and wanted to make it up to her. As he was frying some eggs, he heard Imaan coming down the stairs. He turned around to face her with a smile on his face, but she looked away.

"Good morning," he said softly.

Imaan didn't say anything and walked past him to sit at the table.

She had come down to cook for herself but seeing him occupying the kitchen she decided to do that later.

Wahid carefully put the food on a plate and brought it over to her. She pushed it away and got up to leave.

"I'm not hungry," Imaan said coldly and walked up the stairs.

Wahid watched her go, feeling helpless. He knew he had messed up, but he didn't know how to fix it. He put the food away and began to geg ready for work.

In the room, he glanced at her as he pretended to struggle with his tie hoping that she would help him or even acknowledge him but it was all in vain as Imaan didn't even spare him a glance, she was more interested in her mobile game.

Not giving up, Wahid went infront of her and snatched and threw the phone harshly on the bed away before grabbing her hand and placing it on his tie.

Imaan pursed her lips in displeasure, the last thing she wants to do is tie his tie for him.

'I would rather jump into a well' Imaan thought grimly as she got up from the bed, trying to leave.

Grabbing her hand once again, Wahid looked at her pleadingly.

"Imaan, I can't do it" Wahid said as he pitifully showed her his crooked tie.

Giving him the stink eye, Imaan shrugged his hand off before going into the bathroom and shutting the door loudly.

Wahid clenched his jaw in anger, he has never stooped this low for someone before but it was not enough for her.

'Why couldn't she forgive me? What should I do?!' He thought hopelessly before tying the tie himself in dismay.

As he was driving to work from home, Wahid saw a young couple holding hands on the sidewalk. They looked happy and carefree as they smiled at eachother lovingly, and he felt a pang of envy. He wondered if he would ever be able to feel that way with Imaan, but hw knew he had to try.

After a long day of dealing with work, Wahid felt the stress attacking his head.

He felt a harsh pain in his head as he drove back home. He wished Imaan would make her special tea for him just as she always did when he came back with a headache, but he heavily doubts that.

He can't believe he took her for granted before.

Another migrane hit him as he thought about their fight.

When Wahid got home, he found Imaan sitting in the living room, staring at the TV.

Not being able to tolerate her being distant with him any longer, He knelt down in front of her and took her hand in his.

"Imaan, I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I shouldn't have hit you and I shouldn't have kept my feelings bottled up. But please, let's make this work. I can change. I'll do whatever it takes," he said earnestly, clutching her hands.

Imaan looked at him, tears in her eyes. She wanted to believe him, but she was scared. She didn't want to be with him.

"Wahid, I want to believe you, I really do. But I can't keep living like this. I don't love you anymore," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Wahid felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt like he had lost everything.

"Imaan, please. Don't say that. I love you so much. I need you in my life," he pleaded, hoping that she would comfort him.

Imaan shook her head sadly and stood up.

Going back a few steps, she nervously said, "You say you love me, but you have hurt me badly, I don't think you really love me, you should let me go"

"No Imaan, I'll try to control my anger for you, you know how I am right? I'll never hurt you again" Wahid said as he came closer to her.

The feeling dread of dread dawned into him as he saw her trying to distance herself from him.

"I don't trust you, I really want to go home" Imaan said tearfully as she backed away.

Seeing her being adamant, his anger flared up, he kicked the living room sofa in anger before looking at her furiously.

Imaan panicked and tried ran up to their room but Wahid was faster, he quickly caught her and clutched her face in his hands angrily.

"You should forget about your father's home after you enter into your husband'a home, I don't want to hear you talk about going back again," Wahid seethed as he increased the force on her face.

"GOT IT?!" He asked, letting go of her face.

"Y-yes" Imaan said meekly, staggering back.

"Now that's the beauty of a good girl" Wahid grinned, wiping away her tears, Imaan couldn't stop shaking.

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