Chapter 37

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"Imaan, he's your husband, fights are common within a normal marriage, and Wahid, he's a nice guy, just try to be patient with him" Amir gave his final advice and disconnected the call,

Imaan sat on the couch, staring blankly at the wall. The disappointment and hurt she felt were overwhelming, Was she really in the wrong for wanting to leave Wahid? She knew he didn't respect her or treat her well, despite the fact that she loved him.

As she thought of her situation, tears began to silently trickle down her cheeks. She had nowhere to go, and the ones she thought were dear to her, didn't help her, as she thought about how alone she felt, Imaan sobbed, she had never felt this bad before,

'How could I endure a marriage like this? This isn't fair to me! I hate this!'

Thinking about her sad marriage life, Imaan soon fell asleep on the couch.

A few hours later, Wahid returned, his eyes looked intoxicated as he looked at his wife, sleeping on the couch,

He tipsily made his way over to her and kneeled down near her in a drunken state,

Wahid stared at her red face and cheeks filled with dried up, tear streaks, he shook his head, trying to get sober but he couldn't help but touch her face,

She looked extremely docile as she slept unguarded,

"Why do you love me?" He whispered, not realizing that she was sleeping, he believed that she was not responding to him deliberately and started to shake her,

"Tell me, Why do you love me?" He asked again with a frown on his face,

Imaan woke up from the sudden disturbance and gasped, looking at her drunk husband,

"Tell me!" Wahid yelled as he grabbed her shoulders,

"How dare you love me!" He yelled again like a mad man,

Imaan looked befuddled as she stared at her husband in silence, she felt this urge to run away from there and never return,

Trying to remove his hands off her, Imaan muttered, "Let me go,"

"No! Answer me! Why do you love me?! " He asked again, wretchedly wanting to know the answer,

Imaan stared at him a daze, she couldn't recognize the man in front of her, she used to admire him, his character and his caring attitude is what attracted him to her, she thought that being married to such a man would not be a loss, but now she regrets it, if she had known sooner about this face of him, she would have ran away from home from the first chance she got!

Wanting to make him leave, Imaan replied, "Because you're my husband"

Wahid looked startled as he stared into her eyes, which was filled with anger, he tilted his head in confusion and asked, "What?"

"I love you because you're my husband" Imaan replied impatiently before shrugging his hands off her and leaving him alone in the hall,

Wahid looked at her while she was leaving and couldn't believe her words,

'Does she only love me because she's married to me? ' Wahid thought with his drunk mind, 'No! She must be lying! I know she liked me way before the marriage' He thought cockily, ever since he was young, he was liked by everyone he met, so it was natural for him to assume that, but they only liked him either for his looks or for his wealth,

But Imaan says she only likes him because he's her husband? He highly doubts that,

His drunk brain couldn't handle thinking and he soon passed out on the couch,

Imaan could barely believe her own words,

'Do I really love him?' She asked herself in her mind, she felt like whatever love she had for him before was lowered to a great extent after coming to Hawaii,

With a mocking smile on her face, Imaan started to prepare soup for him with the ingredients she could find in the kitchen,

While preparing, Imaan got distracted with her thoughts and accidentally cut her finger while cutting the carrots for the soup,

Woefully staring at her bleeding finger, Imaan cursed herself before washing it under warm water, while washing various thoughts were running through her mind,

'I can't even cut a vegetable properly!'

'It hurts!'

'Wait...why should I prepare soup for him?!'

'but... I'm his wife'

'but he doesn't accept me as a wife!'

'let me just do it, I need to be the better person' Imaan thought finally,

But she couldn't shake the hurt and anger she felt towards Wahid as she worked.

Imaan sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. She knew he wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, like most drunk people, but right now, she was just exhausted with everything.

As she chopped the vegetables and filled the pot with water, she felt the anxiety building. She couldn't shake the thought that all of her efforts to help Wahid would be for nothing.

When the soup was ready, she carefully carried it over to him. She was careful not to shake the bowl.

Wahid stirred at the noise of the spoon clinking against the bowl.

"Wahid, I made you some soup," she said softly, trying to hide the emotion in her voice. "Drink it, please."

Wahid grunted in response, but made no move to take the bowl from her.

"I said, eat it!" Imaan's voice rose with frustration, and she leaned in close to him. She wanted him to see how much she cared. "You need to eat something, even if it's just this soup." For the first time in her life, she raised her voice against a man, she felt guilty but she couldn't help it, it's just too much for her.

With a sudden, drunken motion, Wahid pushed the bowl away, knocking it out of Imaan's hands and spilling hot soup all over her. She flinched, feeling the hot liquid scalding her skin.

"Go away, Imaan!" Wahid slurred, still half-asleep. "You and your goddamn soup!"

Imaan felt a flare of anger rise up in her, mixed with hurt and betrayal. She had tried so hard to help him, and this was how he repaid her?

"You're so selfish!," she spat at him, fighting back tears. "I can't believe I married you."

Wahid didn't respond, already asleep again. Imaan felt the frustration and sadness well up inside of her. She had wanted so much for this 'honeymoon', but instead it was turning out to be a nightmare.

She cleaned up the soup and tended to her burns, trying to hold back the tears. She had hoped that their marriage would be different, but right now it just felt like an endless cycle of pain and disappointment.

As she lay in bed later that night, trying to calm herself down, Wahid still snoring loudly on the couch, she couldn't help but wonder if this was what the rest of her life with him would be like.

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