Chapter 5

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Imaan was pacing around her room furiously thinking of a plan to escape from this wedding.

That's when Ameer decided to give his glorious presence,

When Ameer entered the room without knocking or not even informing, Imaan was not surprised,

Out of her three siblings, he was the one with the least manners.

She looked at him disapprovingly for which he rolled his eyes.

"Assalamu Alaikum," He said smiling slightly.

Imaan couldn't help but notice that he looked a lot different from how he looked a few days ago.


Yes, he looked neat but she knows that her brother was anything but neat!

He used to wear black or red shirts with
harsh designs and ripped jeans and his dark brown hair which was always never groomed but now he was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans which are surprisingly not ripped and his hair was groomed to perfection!

This confirms her suspicion of him having a crush on someone but she felt pity for herself for a moment because she was the last person to confirm this while Razzak already knows it and she's his own sister for God's sake!

After a long time of her awkwardly thinking without replying to the Salaam she was cut out of her thoughts by his awkward cough.

She quickly replied "Alaikumussalam brother! What a surprise! You finally decided to meet with me!" She exclaimed genuinely happy and a little sarcastic that her brother finally decided to meet her.

Rolling his eyes yet again not wanting her to whine about how he rarely spends time with her again.

He does feel guilty about not spending much time with her but he always has things to do and when he explained that to Imaan she was furious because he always manage to spend time with Noora somehow but not her,

But in his defence, Noora was the little one and Imaan was the mature one, to which Imaan just huffed not so maturely 'at least I have Aarav' she said and went away feeling satisfied with her elder brother leaving him a bit hurt, how ironic

Ameer not wanting to argue with her yet again, came straight to the point "Your engagement is in two days be ready tomorrow we're going shopping insha allah" He informed her not even caring about her reaction and left with her heart breaking.


She was not only heartbroken about the news but she was heartbroken by her family's lack of attention to her.

They never pay attention to her when she came home with tears in her eyes because Wahid bullied her.

They never gave her attention when she said she wants to change schools.

They never understood her when she said she wants to go shopping alone because she had to buy necessary things and just thought she'd be hanging out with her 'boyfriend' which she never had.

They never gave her the time of the day when she said she wanted to become a designer and forced her to pursue something that she didn't want to do.

"Why?" She asked to god hoping he'll answer her.

"Why is it happening to me?!" She shrieked frustrated with her life and family.

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