Chapter 17

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Imaan grabbed his hand and led him to the field of sunflowers.

Wahid was confused and was wondering where his wife was taking him until he saw the flower he despise!


He groaned as he saw the flower resembling the sun.

"Anything but those dreadful flowers!" He exclaimed trying to get her hand off him which was successful.

Imaan gasped dramatically using her hand to cover her mouth but it was obvious to him and that he hated anything that deals with the colour yellow.

"How can you hate this heavenly flower!" She exclaimed disappointingly shaking her head in denial like those girls in soap operas.

'Drama queen' Wahid thought looking at the girl in denial.

Wahid rolled his eyes a habit he is doing a lot nowadays.

"I hate them and their unpleasant colour so don't even take me to them" Wahid warned her as she tugged him towards the yellow flowers.

"Aww! Come on pleaseeese" Imaan whined pouting and making her eyes look big.

Even though Wahid despised both the flower and the puppy dog eyes she was showing, he couldn't help but think the sight before him is cute.

Too cute.

Her sitting in the field of sunflowers while clutching a poor sunflower in her hand and looking at him with a cute look on her face looked too adorable for him to deny.

Wahid gave up and reluctantly sat beside her while glancing at the rose field nearby until Imaan shoved a sunflower onto his lap,

Wahid glared at it for a few minutes before picking it up all while Imaan was looking at him excitedly and smiled when she saw him picking the flower.

But the beautiful moment was ruined by the ringtone of Wahid's phone.

Imaan watched silently as he pick up the phone and waited for him to continue spending time with her.

A few impatient words were exchanged between the caller and Wahid before her husband put the phone down with a long sigh.

"Let's go," Wahid said blankly getting up and giving his hand to help her.

Imaan reluctantly grabbed his hand and stood up with a deep frown on her face which was noticeable.

"But you said you'll spend time with me!" Imaan exclaimed betrayed.

Wahid rolled his eyes before replying with the same tone he used before.

"I am sorry we have to go now as my business partner wants the meeting to happen today and right now".

With that Wahid went back to his car not waiting for her to follow just as always.

"Oh..okay," Imaan said sadly as she saw him going away from her sight she didn't even care if he heard her or not.

She turned back and kneeled down to pluck a flower from the field of sunflowers.

She stuffed it into the stitched-down pocket of her Abaya before hurrying to follow her husband

The car ride was silent with an occasional glance between the two couples one confused and one sad.

Wahid wanted to apologise but couldn't make up words to say as he jumbled with his brain to make an appropriate sentence but finally decided not to say anything as he was sure she'll think that he cares for him which he proved before in the park,

He already regrets apologising in the park He didn't know what came into him that made him suddenly go and apologise it was unlike him,

If he had the chance to go back and undo the moment he would gladly do it without second thoughts.

He doesn't want to give her any false hope in their poor excuse of a marriage meanwhile Imaan consulates herself that he cares for her so much so that he apologised!

He never apologised when he bullied her not even when he threw the ball at her head which knocked her out for the whole day!

She nervously fidgeted with her Abaya and she thought about their marriage and their future together.

She doesn't know what's stored in for them but she hopes it won hurt any one of them and she always prays that he falls for her.

Just like she fell for him,



Wahid left for the meeting after dropping his wife at home leaving her alone in the big mansion with few maids.

Imaan slouched towards the entrance of the room with a tired look on her face even though she didn't do much.

She went to the empty vase inside her bedroom and placed the flowers She took them inside and watered them hoping it grows, not realising the sunflowers need a lot of sunlight to live and cannot survive inside the room with the A/c on 24 hours a day,

Then she completed her Sunnah and Fard prayers before cleaning their already spotless room as she had nothing to do.

She made a mental note to ask Wahid for a phone but was scared of his reaction but shrugged because if he didn't buy it for her one then one of her brothers would do it for her, most probably Aarav.

She knows It's wrong and they'll probably ask a million questions but she's sure she can face anything.

While Imaan was wiping out the invisible dust stain on the floor of the hall, A'lima The maid came to her 'rescue' begging her to give the mop so she could wipe clean the invisible dust stain.

Imaan gave up and slouched on the sofa with 'umph' not caring if it was not 'lady like' just like she was taught,

She honestly didn't care at this point hoping that the angels will take her somewhere else other than this boring mansion.

She can explore it but that was already done an hour ago and nothing was interesting in this mansion too other than Wahid's room which she's yet to explore even though she practically stays in that room.

After waiting for Wahid's return for about 2 hours she finally went to their bedroom to find anything that'll amuse her,

And she was not disappointed as she saw a drawer locked but was easily opened on the first try as it was an ancient table but inside was something that shocked her.

Inside stayed hidden sketchbooks!

Filled with beautiful sketches!

She suspected it to be hers but was baffled when she realised none of them was her drawing and all had the signature of one person.


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