Chapter 6

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Imaan was at Razzak's residence after she practically begged her brother to drop her off there

When she entered the house with the kind butler Derek she couldn't help but feel amazed just like every time she came to their house,

This was like a second home to her but just a little bigger, she used to frequently visit this house with one of her brothers to see Ishaa'k because she grew very fond of him at the very first visit but soon stopped that habit when she realised Wahid didn't like her presence and made it clear every time she visited

Razzak came downstairs and was surprised to see Imaan awkwardly sitting on the sofa

he stumbled slightly when his youngest son ran past him to hug the oblivious visitor

"Ahhhhh" Imaan screamed loudly when the little boy unexpectedly latched onto her tightly and not letting her go

"Imaaaaa'' he screamed childishly, happy that she came to visit him after such long days maybe even months,

Imaan shrugged off her surprise and laughed slightly while holding onto him properly, making sure he won't fall, she adjusted her hijab which hit messed up because of his innocent action.

The child closed his eyes tightly treasuring the moment,

For him, She was the one who resembled his mother the most after her death so he clung to her every time she visited and is always attached to her hips


The sudden laughter of her father-in-law almost made her stumble along with Ishaa'k

"He loves you a lot, doesn't he? I am sure he'll be glad to hear that you'll be staying at this house soon" Razzak said calmly waiting for both his son and daughter-in-law's reaction

Ishaa'k was thrilled with joy but when the butler told him the same thing he didn't believe him something this good will happen,

But hearing it from his own father's mouth and Imaan's reaction proved that it was indeed true!

Ishaa'k started to dance around excited after jumping out of Imaan's arms and started to blabber about how he was going to treat her like a princess and him being her prince and blah blah blah,

Imaan and Razzak just laughed at his childish behaviour and that's when Wahid came downstairs and was not glad to see her and hear her laughter that he once used to love,

Wahid glared at her while Imaan noticed his presence and greeted him with a warm smile

"Assalamu Alaikum Wahid," She said testing his name out loud it's been a long time since she had spoken to him

"Wa Alaikumussalam" Wahid grumbled not even bothering to say her name

Razzak frowned at his son's behaviour but didn't say anything as he doesn't want to embarrass him in front of his future wife

Wahid looked at his father's glare and shrugged his shoulders before entering the kitchen to have his breakfast

While Imaan watched him go Razzak coughed getting her attention,

"Ah, father Assalamu Alaikum!" Imaan greeted him feeling embarrassed that she didn't greet him sooner

"Wa Alaikumussalam! alaikumussalam! What brings you here Imaa? not that I am complaining cause my youngest son is always the happiest without you around" Razzak said jokingly glancing at his son who was running around the house asking the maid to bring his toys so he could show them off to Imaan

But his words were indeed true and that's one of the reasons why
He chose her for his son

Imaan smiled and replied genuinely

"I wanted to speak with him father," She said stressing out 'him'

Razzak was surprised but worried at the same time

'What If she told him that she doesn't want to marry him'

'What if he told her that he doesn't want to marry her'

All the what-if thoughts were running around his mind as he had a glazed look in his eyes trying to find out why she wanted to speak with him but finally decided it was none of his business as they were getting married either way,

"Yeah you can speak with him you are almost his wife after all" Razzak said and shrugged and went over to the kitchen where his son was eating his breakfast

Imaan was shocked at the similarity between her brother's words and Razzak's

But didn't comment on it as that would be awkward

At least for her

She quickly followed him inside the kitchen while Razzak invited her to sit beside Wahid and eat breakfast with them but she denied eating breakfast saying she already had food at home while Wahid just shrugged yet again not really caring,

Imaan hesitated before sitting beside him and when her back touched the chair Wahid turned and looked at her with hatred in his eyes,

'How dare she!' he thought angrily munching on his food

Even though he acted like he didn't care before his father, he actually did! and doesn't want her near and let alone sit beside him but he controlled his anger by stabbing the pancakes furiously,

But Imaan didn't have a care in the world after all 'he didn't care about me' she thought sadly sitting there awkwardly glancing at the boring painting of a   rose on the wall

'how bland and uninteresting' she thought

Razzak coughed and informed both of them that he was going to the office early and gave a side wink to Imaan hoping she understood him while she just looked at him uncomfortably and awkwardly at the same time,

'creepy old man' she shuddered for a second,

As soon as Razzak was out of the door Wahid stood up to walk away from her when Imaan stood up to make sure to him that she was indeed persistent to speak with him

He was not an idiot to not notice her advances but he just ignored them not wanting to hear her b######t

"Wahid!" Imaan began nervously with a shy face

Innocent ImaanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ