Chapter 21

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Razzak was at Tahir's home along with Ishaa'k thinking that the new couple will appreciate some privacy.

Tahir grinned and welcomed him with a big hug which Razzak returned with a light chuckle and greeted him.

"Assalamu Alaikum! Hope I'm not disturbing you" Razzak said fully knowing that he was not intruding,

"Of course, you're not, but pray tell me the reason because I'm sure you are not visiting your old friend just not to disturb him," Tahir said laughing along with Razzak who followed after him, to the kitchen to see it already being occupied by Noora who's impatiently waiting for her pizza to heat up.

Noora jumped when she heard the heavy laughter of two men coming towards her,

She glanced back and rolled her brown eyes upon seeing the two familiar faces and turned to continue watching the microwave but she could not help but feel curious about Razzak's sudden visit. It is rare for him to visit, he rarely visits and after Imaan's marriage he just stopped and this was the first one after that.

Razzak and Tahir sat on the sofa still laughing after Tahir made fun of his new hair dye.

"You remember that time in college? When you so you dyed your hair purple as a punishment for getting 98%?!" Razzak exclaimed slapping his thigh in laughter while Tahir glared at him embarrassed but soon followed him in laughter.

Noora scowled at the duo before forcing out a sweet smile and greeted them both trying hard to tune out their laughing sound.

"Assalamu Alaikum!"

Razzak and Tahir looked at the interpreting girl and replied to her Salam, before continuing from where they left off leaving an annoyed Noora to stamp on her feet to take her pizza out.

"Still eating unhealthy, I see that you're getting a bit big" Razzak teased before throwing a wink Tahir's way.

Tahir nodded and smirked before adding "Yeah, Noora you should definitely cut back some weight since you are the next to get married" Tahir replied half joking and half serious.

Although she was very disturbed and angry, Noora used this opportunity to her advantage,

"Father that's why I've been asking you to reconstruct the boring drawing room into a new gym! All my friends are complaining about it!" Noora whined standing beside her father and slowly started to massage his soldiers so he would loosen up and agree easily.

"No Noor, I said it already I will not do it, It's Imaan's drawing room, The only thing she has ever asked from me," Tahir said softly removing her hand while Razzak observed them curiously.

"But she's not here anymore! She went to her husband and will never come back!" Noora exclaimed like a child before running towards her room wiping away some crocodile tears.

Meanwhile in Wahid's room

The laughter of the young couple echoed throughout the room as they watched a video of little Ameer pulling little Imaan's hair, while she desperately tried to hit him with small punches which ultimately failed until she hit him on a spot that shouldn't be mentioned causing the little boy's eyes to widen and fall. The video ended with the laughing sound of Imaan's mother while finally ending with the thumbnail which had the picture of a pained Ameer with tears in his eyes looking at his sister accusingly.

The image of Ameer was too much for Wahid to handle as he doubled up in laughter while Imaan admired him with a wide grin on her face, Finally calming down Wahid wiped a few stray tears before looking at his wife excitedly before asking "Got any more?".

Imaan grinned before going through the files of her memory card that she sneaked in along with the pictures and designing things.

After searching for a long time she exclaimed an 'Ah' before pressing on a video showing little Noora at the thumbnail smiling with a blush on her face.

The video started with little Noora asking her mother if she was her favourite daughter and Imaan's mother, Sumaiya replying 'Yes' before throwing a wink in little Imaan's way.

"So you love me moreee?" She dragged running towards Imaan with a little smirk.

The sound of Sumaiya's chuckling is heard at seeing her younger daughter poking her tongue at her elder sister in arrogance.

"Tell me! You love me more right?" Noora asked/demanded stomping towards her mother.

"Of course I do and that's why Mommy's favourite girl is going to help her mommy do the dishes and arrange the toys!" Sumaiya exclaimed causing the smug look of Noora to vanish.

Little Imaan began to laugh along with her mother and brothers which left Noora to cry and throw a tantrum with her toys flying everywhere mainly in Imaan's direction, The video ended with a dark object thrown into the camera, which obviously is some toy.

Wahid laughed in amusement before declaring "Is she still like this?" He asked curiously looking at his wife.

"Unfortunately Yes" Imaan mumbled frowning,

"Oh," Wahid said looking at her sad form and blaming it on the video of her sudden change in mood.

Getting tired of the sad atmosphere Wahid got up taking her hand along with his "How about we go out?" Wahid suggested hoping she'll agree like always.

Imaan's eyes lit up in excitement it was not the first time that he's taken her out since their marriage, he had taken her out plenty of times but don't stop her from getting hyped out every single time, He took her to all his favourite places which became her favourite too.

"Yeah!" Imaan exclaimed before running towards the closet to get ready.

'Which one? This? No! I wore it the first time, Maybe that one! Oh...' Her hands separated each Scarf to see it clearly while she mumbling not so silently.

Wahid looked amused at his wife and sat patiently on the bed closely observing her, It was surprising to both of them to see how close they'd become and it all started with an unwanted apology, Wahid chuckled silently remembering his wife nervously apologising for something that was not her fault.

She still ain't his favourite person.

'But she is changing that' Wahid thought with a small smile on his face as his wife ran towards him excitedly with a beautiful smile on her face.

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