Chapter 11

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With this determined thought on her mind, she went upstairs and knocked on their bedroom door

The door opened and Wahid was standing there looking annoyed

'This girl can't get a hint!' He thought

Imaan's determination almost wavered looking at his annoyed face but straightened herself by putting a large smile on her face

"You have spoken on your turn, now may I speak?" Imaan asked with a loud voice and her head held up high for two reason

One to show that she is determined

And two he is as taller than her

Wahid was shocked he never thought she had this confidence within her because she never was seen showing confidence she always had her head down and never raised it but this was the exact opposite of it!

His mouth was slightly agape but he quickly closed it as he saw her smirking at his reaction

Little did he know

It's all an act she never had any confidence and she never will!

But she had to act

Act for her marriage

Act for their marriage

Act with confidence!

"Yeah..?" He asked his voice slightly wavering

Imaan used this opportunity to invite herself inside and sat on his bed in an Indian style

Wahid was still shocked

'This was not supposed to happen!' He thought

What was supposed to happen is when he finishes his 'speech' Imaan will be 'heartbroken' and will ignore him just like he wanted and maybe even leave,

He sighed and sat on a chair opposite to her

He was annoyed it was clear on his face but Imaan was not letting it go

"I know that I am not your favourite person but that doesn't mean I am not your wife and I am definitely not someone to be played around with and if you don't want me you should've stopped this marriage but you didn't so we have to work this out!" Imaan said proud of her little speech

Wahid laughed at both her speech and expression not impressed

"You seriously think I would try this out or something?" He asked clutching his stomach and almost falling from his chair

Imaan kept a blank face even though she was hurt inside

"Yeah, we should if we didn't what are we supposed to do? Divorce?" Imaan asked harshly which was new for her

Wahid flinched at the word 'divorce' even though he was not a very religious person he was smart enough to remember the only word which can shake the throne of God is 'Talak'(divorce), granted he said he would divorce her when he wants but that doesn't mean he was really serious about it...

Looking at his reaction Imaan continued making herself comfortable in his bed by placing a soft pillow on her lap

"You don't want that do you?" She asked taunting him with a daring look on her face which was of course fake

She may look comfortable but she is far from it

It is her first time being inside his room and she never expected it to be this luxurious but then what is expected from this rich man,

"No!" Wahid whisper yelled mostly to himself

Having a divorce is considered a disgrace

A disgrace no one in his family dared to do and he wasn't going to change that either

"No? That's what I thought!" Imaan exclaimed happily

At least he wasn't going to divorce her she thought

"So now what should we do?" Wahid sighed and asked finally fed up with his life

Imaan was taken back she was not ready for this question

Now, what should they do? Imaan asked to herself

Of course, she wanted to live with him like a normal couple but he'll definitely not agree with it

After a long time, the imaginary bulb in Imaan's head flicked on

"How can we start as friends?" She asked hopefully

Wahid was not alerted by her question but he was indeed alerted by the word 'start' so that's what he asked


"....." Imaan did not have an answer for this so she just shrugged hugging her pillow close

"Okay" Wahid agreed finally he didn't care about whatever is meant by start
Imaan smiled in triumph

"Finally" She exclaimed wiping the fake sweat on her forehead with a big proud smile on her face

Of course, she wasn't sweating

How can she when the Air conditioner is working on its best

Wahid raised his eyebrows at her childish behaviour and laughed

Imaan too laughed with him realising what she did was weird

They laughed for a minute or so before they fell into a comfortable silence for the first time in their life together

Wahid broke the silence

"So..What do friends do?" He asked awkwardly

Of course, he had friends but never a friend like her

"They pray I'sha together!" She exclaimed happily getting up from the bed to pray I'sha and thank god

Wahid was not impressed

"No," He said blankly glaring at her

Imaan was taken back but she composed herself with a large smile realising

"You already prayed? I am sor-"  She was cut off by him

"No," He said again with the same blank look on his face

"What do you mean?" She asked nervously biting her lip not ready for his answer

"I pray when I want to" He replied shrugging and turning his head away from her feeling embarrassed

It was indeed true he is known to the world as a religious man who didn't miss a prayer once in his life but the truth was far from it he was anything but a religious man

He doesn't even remember the last time he prayed I'sha or recited the holy Qur'an

Imaan was shocked and it was visible in her eyes

She too believed the media's words when they said Wahid was a religious man devoted to his religion

She never expected this but she finally understood why he was like how he is!

A man who prays 5 times a day would never speak to her wife on the first day of the marriage like how he spoke to her,

She wasn't angry but she was indeed disappointed and felt pity for him

"What went wrong?" She asked him curiously because as long as she know he used to be a huge religious kid and kind of a nerd honestly, although he was a bully, he only bullied her for some reason

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