Chapter 30

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As soon as Wahid's assistant informed him about Imaan's hospitalization, he rushed to the hospital without a second thought. When he arrived, he saw Dawood sitting in the waiting area, looking worried. Wahid approached him with a stern look on his face. Dawood stood up and greeted him.

"Mr.Wahid? I'm Dawood, Imaan's friend" Dawood greeted

"Dawood? I've never heard about you, how long have you been friends for?" Wahid asked as he eyed Dawood suspiciously, he couldn't believe that his prude and childish wife has a male friend,

"We knew eachother from an early age, we practically grew up together, a few years ago, I went to Sivi and we lost contact, It's surprising that she didn't mention anything about me" Dawood replied as he tested his rival,

Wahid felt a pang of jealousy run through him as he realised Dawood has spent more time with his wife than he ever did, he couldn't help but clench his jaw as he saw the fond look in Dawood's eye as he continued to talk about Imaan,

He recognised that look, it was look Imaan has when she looks at him, how can he not recognise that?

"Ah, come on, let's see Imaan, sorry my babbling, I tend to do that a lot" Dawood said casually as they walked towards Imaan's room, the other people in hospital moved away as they felt Wahid's imposing aura as soon as Wahid entered Imaan's face lit up with joy but she was also scared,

'If he knew I bunked the party and went shopping, I'll be doomed!' 

Imaan thought and silently prayed, she hoped he would not be too angry and inform her father,

Wahid sat down next to Imaan, and Dawood offered to excuse himself, but Wahid insisted that he should stay,

"You're the one who admitted her so stay," Wahid said as he scowled at Dawood,

The tension between Wahid and Dawood was palpable, and Imaan could sense it. She tried to lighten the mood by cracking a joke,

"Well, did you know what happened? I was just walking and suddenly tripped on air! I'm so dumb, he-he"

That self deprecating joke made nobody laughed. An awkward silence hung in the air, and Wahid decided to break it.

"Dawood, can I talk to you for a minute?" Wahid said, trying to hide his annoyance.

Dawood excused himself, and they went outside the room. Wahid confronted Dawood and asked him about his relationship with Imaan.

"I hope you know that Imaan is my wife now, right?" Wahid asserted, he felt uncomfortable in the room as Dawood eyed his wife with love.

"I know that, Wahid," Dawood replied, looking down.

'Must he have to touch the sore point?' Dawood thought bitterly,

"Then why are you hanging around here like some sort of patch-up man?" Wahid asked, getting agitated.

"Look, I didn't know about your marriage, and I came here to help her because she's my friend," Dawood explained half-heartedly pretending to be the good guy.

"Well, I hope you keep your distance from her, the matter of you admitting her into the hospital shouldn't be known to anyone else, alright?" Wahid said impolitely,

Dawood feigned ignorance and replied,

"I think you've misunderstood me, I know my place, I wouldn't want to tarnish her reputation either, so you don't have to be like this"

Wahid nodded and went back to the room. He sat next to Imaan and held her hand tightly.

Imaan thinking that he was worried about her leg, cheerfully tried to console him,

"It's just a little swol-

"Why did you have to go to the hospital with Dawood?" Wahid asked, his voice laced with anger.

"I accidentally tripped and couldn't walk so he helped me" Imaan replied, confused by Wahid's behavior.

"There must be many people in the party, Why only Dawood?" Wahid asked her accusingly

Finally realising that she has been misunderstood by him, Imaan hurriedly tried to explain,

"No, I've known Dawood for a long time, me and him are just friends, I just recently met him there, I don't even have Dawood's contact information! Dawood's a really nice guy t-

"Dawood, Dawood, Dawood, do you like him?" Wahid asked, his voice rising, her words just flew over his head,

Imaan couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Wahid, you know that's not true. Im married to you and I only love you, Dawood is just a friend!"

But Wahid wouldn't listen. He was too consumed by his jealousy and possessiveness. He couldn't stand the thought of someone else getting close to Imaan, even if it was just a friend.

"Admit it Imaan, I can see the look in his eyes, he clearly has feelings for you. As a woman, how could you not know?" He asked harshly,

Imaan was at a loss as to what to do, she and Dawood were never more than friends, although she loved him one point in her life, she was very young at that time and was rejected by him too, now she didn't have any feelings for him, her heart was fully occupied by her husband, how could he accuse her like this?

"I don't know! We are not more than just friends! If you want i can completely cut off my friendship with him" Imaan suggested desperately trying to prove her innocence to him,

"You should," Wahid said expressionlessly and left the room,

Outside he saw Dawood waiting, curbing his annoyance he asked him to go inside,

"Imaan wants to say something to you"

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