Chapter 31

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Imaan sat on the bed, Dawood sat on the chair beside as he waited for her to speak,

Her heart heavy with the decision she knew she had to make. Imaan fidgeted with her fingers, unable to bring herself to look at Dawood.

"I don't know how to say this, Dawood." She finally managed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dawood looked up, his eyes searching hers for something, anything, that would give him a hint about what she's going to say.

"Dawood, I'm sorry but I think we can't be friends anymore."

Dawood's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What? Why? Did I do something wrong?"

Imaan took a deep breath before responding, "It's not you, it's Wahid, he thinks that we have that kind of relationship and even though I tried to explain he don't want to hear it, I think it's best for my marriage if we part ways."

Dawood's expression turned grim as he understood the situation. "I see. I didn't know it was that serious. I'll respect your decision, Imaan."

Imaan nodded, relieved that Dawood was taking it well. But just as Dawood was about to part away, Dawood reached out and touched Imaan's hand, causing her to jump slightly.

"Don't worry, Imaan. I'll always be here for you if you need anything," Dawood said with a reassuring smile.

Imaan quickly pulled away her hand, not wanting to cause further misunderstanding, but unfortunately for her, Wahid who was monitoring them from outside using the room's window, saw the scene of his touching her hand and became livid, he eyes only saw red as he bursts inside the room and grabs Dawood by his collar, fuelled by his jealousy and anger,

Caught off guard, Dawood tried to calm Wahid down, but it was too late. Wahid had already launched himself at Dawood, fists flying.

"You stay away from Imaan! I warned you, but you didn't listen!" Wahid bellowed as he hit Dawood over and over again.

Dawood, still stunned, couldn't defend himself against Wahid's violent assault. But just as Wahid was about to land another blow, Imaan appeared between them, tears streaming down her face and barely standing,

"Stop it, Wahid! Please don't be like this!" Imaan screamed.

Wahid hesitated for a moment before turning on Imaan. "Stay out of this, Imaan. This is between me and him."

But Imaan bravely stepped forward, placing herself between Wahid and Dawood. "No, You can't beat him up like this! Look at him!" Imaan tried to calm him down but to no avail,

"You let him touch you? Why didn't you marry him instead? I didn't know Tahir's daughter was casual with other men, Now I see why he married you off in a rush" Wahid smirked as he said those harsh words towards her,

Stunned into silence Imaan looked at Wahid bewildered, she couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth,

Dawood laughed as he saw Imaan's expression, "So this is the man you married, How can fall in love with a guy like this, Imaan?" He asked standing up while clutching his broken nose,

Realising what he said, Wahid looked at Imaan hesitatingly, but in the end he decided not to say anything,

"That's none of your business, get out!" Imaan screamed pointing at the door,

Admitting defeat Dawood looked at Imaan reluctantly and left the room but not before throwing a sharp glare towards Wahid,

Imaan couldn't hold the pain any longer and fell down clutching her leg, Wahid quickly snapped out of his anger and carried her onto the bed,

"Are you okay?, Should I call the doctor?" He asked,

Imaan didn't reply and silently sobbed while hiding her face,

"Let's talk, don't hide your face from me" Wahid demanded as he forced her face her but turning her chin,

Imaan stared at Wahid with tears streaming down her face. "How could you say those things about me?" she sobbed. " I feel so humiliated."

Wahid sighed and looked at her deeply, "I'm sorry, Imaan. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I was so angry and I didn't think before I spoke."

Imaan turned away from him and wiped her eyes. "That's not an excuse," she said, her voice shaking. "You can't just say hurtful things and expect me to forgive you right away."

"I understand that," Wahid said, his tone apologetic. "But it was also your fault, how could you let him touch you? As a husband don't i have the right to get angry?"

"No, Wahid, you misunderstood! In your mind, you think so cheaply of me, and how can you justify it?"

While speaking the doctor entered the room, Wahid quickly excused himself and left,

After a quick check up and prescribing some ointments, the doctor promptly left the room,

While standing outside Wahid thought over what he did and felt somewhat bad, although he regretted saying those stuff, he believes that she was in the wrong and deserved it,

But he decides not to linger on that and went inside to console her,

"Please don't talk about this anymore," Imaan said as she saw him opening up his mouth to speak,

Wahid looked hurt, but he nodded. "Okay," he said. "What do you want me to do?"

Imaan thought for a moment. "Call my dad," she said. "I want to talk to him about this." Wahid's eyes narrowed. "Why do you want to talk to him?" he asked, his voice cold.

Taking a deep breath Imaan replied. "Because I need somebody to talk to," she said. "And I think he can help me figure things out."

'Since he's the one who married me off to you'

Wahid's face darkened. "I'm your husband," he said. "You should be able to talk to me about anything."

"I know," Imaan said, her voice shaking. "But right now, I need to talk to somebody who isn't involved in this."

Innocent ImaanWhere stories live. Discover now