Chapter 13

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"Assalamu Alaikum friend!" She greeted happily with a high-pitched tone purposely trying to remember him about last night.

Wahid cringed at her chirpy tone, his dislike clearly shown on his face,

Imaan noticed his annoyed look and smiled at him sheepishly showing her crooked teeth

"Alaikumussalam" Wahid replied but after noticing her intense stare he added

"Alaikumussalam friend"

Imaan smiled satisfied

'Better than nothing" She thought happily

"Soooo what are you up to?" Imaan asked making the bed which Wahid didn't bother to do,

Wahid frowned at her action he couldn't understand why she was doing this when she knows that there are maids assigned to certain tasks like this

But he didn't bother voicing out his thoughts and instead replied to her question


Imaan muttered a 'hmm' at his response acting like she didn't know that before even though it was obvious judging by his work clothes

Trying to make small conversations Imaan asked him innocent questions

"What's your favourite food?"

Wahid rolled his eyes

He was expecting this from her



"Oh, favourite colour?"


"Nice!Favourite person?"

"No one" Wahid replied as he paced around the room searching for his tie which he was sure he kept on the bed

"No one?" Imaan asked following behind him

"Yeah, No one and could you please stop following me?" Wahid turned towards her and muttered about his tie

"Ummm.." Imaan acted like she was considering before saying "No I like following you"

Wahid looked shocked at her straightforwardness until he saw her taking the tie from behind her back laughing uncontrollably at his reaction,

Wahid muttered a 'Thank you' before tieing the tie around his neck quite tightly

"Take me out" Imaan blurted suddenly before adding a "please"

Wahid looked at the desperate girl who seemed lonely after all it was Sunday and only his company was open in the whole country which is also one of the reasons why He is always at the top,

Imaan's university was obviously closed so she'd be all alone

Wahid mimicked her actions from before acting like he was considering before spitting out a 'No' harshly,

Imaan although disappointed was expecting this answer

She wanted to cry

Yell him out

Curse him for treating her like an unwanted fly inside his room

But she bit her lip and controlled her upcoming outburst and remembered the saying,

'Good things
Come to those
Who wait'

She finally released her lips from the mercy of her teeth and turned away from him after muttering "It's all right" with a tight smile on her face

Innocent ImaanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora