Chapter 29

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"Then I'll just look around and not buy anything," Imaan said giving up with a pout realising that she now she can't buy large teddy bears,

"I'll help you Imaan, you can buy anything with me" Dawood tried to coerce her patiently, he was trying to spend more time with her, finding the now grown-up Imaan just as adorable she was as a child,

"I don't think that's very appropriate," Imaan said quietly as she looked down at her feet nervously,

"Why not? You are my best friend!" Dawood exclaimed extremely offended,

"Maybe it's just me who still thinks of you as my only best friend, you've changed so much, Imaan," Dawood continued with a sad look on his face, this time he wasn't acting as he genuinely felt like she was being very distant with him,

"No! You're my best friend but others don't know that! What if they see us together think of us badly? What if we get spotted by one of our relatives?" Imaan stumbled upon her words as she tried to make him understand, they weren't kids any more, moreover, she had just recently gotten married.

Dawood rolled his eyes before replying,

"Meh, don't care about anyone, who are they to judge us?"

"I'm scared, Dawood, I don't want us to get into any trouble"

"You'll only get into trouble if you go alone!"

"No! I can take care of myself"

"I highly doubt that" Dawood said rudely,

'Sigh, he's very persistent! I can't argue any more!' Imaan thought as she glared at him fiercely,

She looked at the building in front of her and quickly walked inside with Dawood in her tow,

'I'd rather deal with those gossipy people than get caught with him alone'

Seeing her walk towards the venue, Dawood hurriedly grabbed her hands and pulled her towards his him,

"You!" Imaan shouted as she gave him a sharp slap to his face,

Dawood looked astonished, he felt a striking pain on his left cheek but the pain in his heart felt much worse, his eyes slightly watered, he opened up his mouth to speak but he turned around abruptly left the building in long strides,

"Jee what a hard slap, women these days are so strong, I need to smoke"

Dawood muttered silently as he walked away

Feeling guilty for her action, Imaan tried to catch up to him but accidentally slipped and fell flat on her face, she gave a loud yell as her leg got twisted while trying to get up,

Hearing her yell, Dawood turned back around and rushed to help her, Imaan cried as she saw his red cheek,

"I'm sorry, Woody! I didn't mean it! I just got surprised"

Dawood said nothing as he carried her outside in front of many watchful eyes, he flagged down a taxi and carried her inside,

"Can't you be more careful? You're still so clumsy! What did to trip on? Air?!" Dawood scolded her angrily, his face looked distraught as he observed her swollen ankle,

"Are you made of clay woman?! Look at your leg!" He scolded her more and sat her inside the taxi,

Once inside he asked the driver to go to the hospital and tried to examine her leg,

Imaan quickly shrunk back and his her legs from his sight,

"You! Don't talk to me like that, if you hadn't walked away, this wouldn't have happened!"

"Great! Now you want to blame me? You're not the one who got slapped by your bestfriend" Dawood said angrily as he leaned back on the seat clutching his cheek dramatically,

He knew what he's doing is guilt tripping but he couldn't help himself from using this chance to get close to her, afterall he only came back to this country for her,

His plan worked as Imaan looked at him with guilt on her face,

"It was instinct! I didn't mean to hit you Dawood, at that time I only felt like a random guy touched my hand and got angry, you know how I am" Imaan tried to consolidate him,

"So if you knew it was me, you wouldn't have slapped?" Dawood asked interestedly, as he grinned,

Looking at him suspiciously Imaan replied, "I would've still gotten angry, but I wouldn't have slapped, I honestly don't know why I did that"

Ignoring her other words, Dawood sat up straight and asked "So, I'm special to you?"

"You're my bestfriend, of course you are" Imaan replied ignorant of his racing heart,

"So, I can touch your hand?"

Dawood despised himself in his heart, his brain reminded him that she's married, but his heart couldn't stop beating loudly when near her, if that isn't love then what is? He never thought one day he'll turn into a despicable scum who chased after a married woman,

Innocent Imaan didn't get what he's trying to convey and replied angrily, "No! You can touch my hand when we were like children, but now you can't!, You've changed so much after going to Sivi, don't you know Men and Women shouldn't interact like this?"

This silence d Dawood, he didn't reply and the remaining trip to the hospital was in silence, Imaan deliberately scooted away from him, and the whole ride Dawood didn't even glance at her as he was embarassed,

Quietly admitting her into the hospital Dawood tried to stay and take care of her, but he was coldly rejected by her harsh glare,

So he pretended to leave and once outside he made a call to his secretary,

"Contact Mr. Wahid and inform him that his wife is admitted into Dellington Hospital, immediately"

It's time to meet the husband

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