Chapter 9

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Today is the day

The day she's going to be someone else's

The day she's going to sacrifice her birth home for her husband's home,

The day she's going to give herself to her husband

The day she's not ready for and probably will never be ready

She stared at the mirror sadly a lone tear falling from her almond eye and she looked at herself in her wedding dress the white gown hugged her curves perfectly but of course, she hid it with a long loose veil that hides her body

She looked so beautiful and so mature yet she was an innocent child inside getting married to a person who she thinks likes her just like she likes him wholeheartedly,

Noora entered the room with a happy smile finally happy that she was going to get all the attention and decided to be nice to Imaan at least on the last day of her here

The marriage was long over and she was waiting for the limo to escort her off to her husband's house

She was so happy the whole day until she saw her husband's face full of disgust and anger at their wedding

She was confused at his behaviour she thought he liked her

But she was a fool believing that the word wifey meant something and him mocking her was the last thing she thought,

Noora hugged her sister from the back startling Imaan

After all, she was her sister

Imaan turned back and hugged her back she doesn't know when she was going to meet her again

It's all in Wahid's hand

Her husband

It felt weird to call him her husband but she must get used to it as all of her family and his family referred to her as his wife and him as her husband

After the sisters were done hugging Ameer and Aarav arrived

Ameer looked at her guilty he was guilty because he didn't spend a lot of time with his little sister

He didn't even know her favourite colour

They were strangers in one home

But Imaan forgave him a long time ago she even said to him herself

"I forgive you Ameer after all I don't want my brother distressed on the day of judgement"

Maybe it's her forgiving nature which gave him courage every time he ignored her

But on the opposite side, Aarav was so happy thinking that her sister was finally going to be happy

Oh how wrong he was

He knew how she was mistreated in her own house

Tahir controlled her

Noora despised her

Ameer ignored her

And even his wife Salima despised her thinking her husband gave all his attention to his sister

Thinking of Salima she appeared behind his back with a huge beaming smile on her face

It's no wonder why she is obviously happy that Imaan is going away

'Away from my husband' she thought happily with a smirk on her face

But no one can blame her she was spoiled by her family from a very young age and couldn't handle it when her husband gave a little attention to his sister

Ameer cleared his throat to get Imaan's attention

She snapped her head to him and ran to hug him tightly

Even though he ignored her he was still her brother her own blood

She holds onto him crying and stains his blue shirt as he too holds onto her tightly regretting ever not spending time with her

After she calmed down she started bawling again when she saw her favourite brother looking at her lovingly,

She came to hug him but stepped back when she realised who was behind him

Aarav smiled at her sadly

Sad that he couldn't hug her even at the last moment and glanced at Ameer in jealously

Even though he gave her no attention he got to hug her at the last moment unlike him

Life was not fair

"Bye brother," Imaan said sadly clutching her wedding dress in her hands trying not to breakdown again

Aarav looked at her with tears in her eyes and replied

"Take care Imaan and never let go of your Imaan(Faith)" He advised her for the last time

She smiled recognising the same words that her mother said to her

'Take care of your Imaan and Allah will take care of you

Tahir was at the door looking at his children gruffly

Even though he was strict he loved her endlessly

He just doesn't know how to express it

He hugged Imaan closely just like he uses to do when she was little until Noor was born because Noor got jealous if he hugged anyone other than her,

He glanced at Noora his second spoiled daughter

Next is her marriage he thought

He wanted Ameer to get married too but that stubborn boy refused to say he wanted to be on his own feet before starting his own family

Unlike his older brother, he wanted to be independent living in his own house

Tahir let go of her after a long time and escorted her to the limo which had just arrived

She smiled sadly one last time at her family as Tahir closed the limo's door with her sitting inside


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