Part 18

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Arnav called HP and told him to bring their dinner to their room and took Khushi to their room, because he knows what Khushi was undergoing and how shatter she was when she learnt the true faces of Gupta's in the background check he did.

Once all the door of their room closed, Arnav took Khushi in his arms and kissed her forehead and continuously said sweet nothing in her ear, rubbing her back to give her necessary strength and to remind her, she is not alone anymore he is there with her with each and every step of life.

Khushi, after a long pause, she pushed arnav a little but didn't break the hug and asked "can you do something for me Arnavji?"

"Anything my love, anything just order me it will be done without any questions asked?" said Arnav.

"Make them pay for all the atrocities they have done till now. Just spread a word what they have done to me, humiliate them in front of Lakshmi nagar people, tell them how cruel they are.

Till now I thought, the day we got married is most horrible day of my life, because I did not take the decision to get married then, but I don't know that our marriage is blessing of my devi maiya to me to secure myself from the selfish and cruel people in the world. I don't know that our marriage is a blessing in disguise for me and my devi maiya blessed me with a beautiful soul as my partner, if not for you who forced me to marry, otherwise I don't know what would have happened with me.

Now if I think Shyamji is much better than Akashji, who openly lusted after me, he always said what he wanted from me but Akashji, I still can't digest the fact that he also lusted after me from the start, and if you would not have married me, he taught to blackmail me using Gupta's and Payalji and made me his mistress or if I don't agree he would have forced himself upon me.

These Gupta's readily agreed to whatever Akashji said just to marry payalji to rich man without an ounce of shame. Just to see their daughter in a rich household they did not even think about other and threw me in hellfire. Did not even think what would my dead parent's soul would go through.

Akashji, once I thought him as a friend and he lusted after me, to cover his sin he married payalji and put a condition that I would be his mistress. He doesn't want to marry some rich and sophisticated high-class women, who would not allow his sin. What does he think of himself a respect and virtue for any women will be same, she may be from any class and status.

And bauji I thought his got paralysis, but it was just an act, to force me to marry that leech Shyamji, till date I didn't even suspect him to be such a spineless man, who just follow the words of his sister and wife.

They say that they have provided food, clothes and shelter for me from the time of my parent's death, but it's other way around, the sweet shop they were using is my mothers shop who is a small-time business woman. Since I was child who don't remember much of my childhood, they easily lied saying my mother is a homemaker and they happily enjoyed my money which my mother and father saved for me and used for themselves and sold everything which owned by my parents for themselves and payalji and dropped my studies in the middle saying they can't effort it.

Make them pay Arnavji, make them pay humiliate them in front of the society and show them the mirror for what they have done to me and my parents," said Khushi continuously crying for all the atrocities she had faced in the hand of Gupta's.

"You don't worry Khushi, first thing in the morning they are going to through out of the house and gets humiliate them in front of all the people of Lakshmi nagar, my man is already following him, even after coming on the streets they will face the humiliation each and every day, even if they want death, it's not going to come to them till they face all the sin which they have done to you.

For Akash, till date even I didn't know he is such a leech, under those calm and innocent bespectacled eyes, before when I received a complaint here and there about him from the models of AR, I couldn't do anything as there were no proof, but now he will face the consequences, every thing is under control, every one will face their share of punishment for the sins they have committed." Said Arnav holding her close to his heart and don't worry my love, they are going to face the wrath of ASR much more than what you thought every single person going to face it.

"Khushi, love are you ready for tomorrow? I don't want to give them any more time to think, OK get prepare, I already instructed Prakash brothers and Mohan and others what to do, I know today's episode took a toll on you, but tomorrow will be next level, today Raizada's didn't open their mouth, which is good, but tomorrow it will be different and the blaming game will be next level. I know I'm asking so much from you but we have to do this, OK" said Arnav.

"No Arnavji, don't think like that, I trust you, you will find me beside you in each and every step ok, let us do this" said Khushi with determination.

There was a Knock on the door and Arnav opened the door finding HP with their dinner along with NK.

Meanwhile in Akash room,

Akash is pacing length and breadth of the room and Payal was sitting on the bed facing Akash, "Akash, stop pacing, I already told you that, there are some cosy moments going on between them but you didn't here me now they bond became stronger than before, from the moment Arnavji and Khushi met I found a new Khushi whenever she talk about him, the hatred which she always spoke about him is always consumed with inner affection, which she didn't know, and we thought that just some infatuation, which she will forget eventually, but during our marriage rituals it gradually increased to next level and I warned you, which you royally ignored and told me once you make her your mistress, she will forget about him, see where it have bought us, now see how she have talked to amma and buaji today. There will come a time, when she will start talking, no ordering us around in the same way. We have to do something about it Akash, otherwise there will be no use" said Payal furiously thinking about what happened few hours ago and the changes she found in Khushi after her hospitalization, her chain of thoughts got disturbed by the furious Akash clutching her arm painfully.

"Shut up Payal, just shut up, the day she got married to bhai I forgot about my lust understood, I have that much moral to not think about my bhai's wife in that way. Now my concern is not about your sister or about your family, I don't care if they got humiliated or insulted understood. I least care about them and I least care if she orders you or insult you understood." Said Akash for which Payal eyes got teary but Akash least cared about her.

"We have to think about our financial status understood, I heard from Anita, Bhai's secretary, who told me that AR is losing some big-time contract which will change the CEO or board will change or bhai may even have to sell AR for the loss." Said Akash

"Do you really think that what Anita said is true, No I'm just asking she may have misunderstood right? For that reason, I'm asking" asked Payal.

"Yes, she didn't misunderstand anything, she heard from Aman and Mr. Roy, bhai's lawyer, talking with each other and also, they were discussing about the decision he have taken to sell some of his share regarding, when she went inside and gave some file to Aman.

Once I heard the news,I immediately sold my 15% shares with which I'm going to start my new businessand now I'm waiting for the call, if that Gaiwade and Bedi, to whom I gavemoney to invest, didn't respond I don't know what to do. First, I'm in thattension, instead of helping me you and your non-essential complaints of yourso-called family." saying this he went out of the room and sneaked out of thehouse.


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