A.N- Not an Update

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Happy 2023 everyone!
I'm just coming here to say that I have not forgotten about Newbie. ( It's been awhile I know) I adore Luca, Skylar, and the rest of the gang and I hope to get back to writing their story soon. However this school has been a headache and has no sign of slowing down. I was able to update Newbie over Christmas break and loved being able to get back into the hectic world of MBPA but with school starting back updates probably will not be often. I am thankful for every single one of you that has given this book a chance and SO thankful for sticking with it. I am by means a great author, just a girl that came up with this story and couldn't get it out of my mind until I wrote something down. The fact that over 12k of you have given Newbie a chance and dived into Skylar and Luca's world means more than you will ever know. Again I'm so sorry about the lack of updates but I promise I have not forgotten this story. I hope you all have a wonderful new year and as always happy reading! :)

If you would like to visit my Pinterest to see the characters aesthetic just click that link down below ;)

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