30: Rude

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Luca's POV

"That was brutal" one of the freshmen mumbles. Just like us he has sweat dripping off every inch of his skin and looks like he could pass out at any moment.

I nod my head to his words, while murmurs of agreement fill the locker room. Coach has been going extra hard on us this week, including an insane amount of running. I guess if I plan to play at the college level I should get used to it, but right now I'm drenched in sweat, my whole body hurts, and I'm exhausted.

"Kingston Prep isn't that good. Why does the coach care so much" I hear a boy ask

I want to respond about how stupid his words are but Thomas beats me to it. Thomas has never been afraid to open his mouth, even if does come across as an ass.

"Because for some reason every year we play like shit during homecoming and we lose, no matter who we play. In front of alumni and the school's donors, might I add?" Thomas snaps at the boy, I think his name is Will but I don't care.

The older boys nod, also tired of losing every homecoming game. It seems we all get too wrapped up in the festivities, and lose our game-day mentality. Not only do we get chewed out, but so does our coach. The donors don't like giving the school a lot of money for the team just to lose.

I slowly stand up and head towards the showers. I was tired of listening to these idiots run their mouths and wanted to get home as soon as possible.

I quickly showered and changed into some clean athletic clothes. I nodded my head at Thomas, who was lecturing another boy on the team, but he didn't seem to notice me.

As I was loading my car, I heard a deep voice call out my name. I knew immediately who it came from.

"What is it Blake," I asked, annoyed, not at him specifically, just annoyed in general.

"I was wondering if you gave Skylar your jersey or if you chickened out" he smirked, leaning against my car.

I gave him a look, rolled my eyes, and shook my head. Marlee was explaining that some of the boys were placing bets if I would let her wear it. I've never let a girl wear my jersey since I don't date,
but Skylar isn't crazy like most girls I know, she knows that it doesn't mean anything and it's only for tradition.

"I don't chicken out of anything." I said confidently, "Whether she backs out or not, well, I guess we will see tomorrow" I shrugged.

Blake let out a laugh and slapped my back.

"I don't see Skylar backing out in her word. If she doesn't have a navy jersey with the last name Reid on it, I'm going to assume you're lying to me"

"Well, you will be wrong. I gave it to her between classes today. I'll get Marlee to hack into the school security cameras and show you myself." I argued

Blake just laughed at me and turned around heading towards his car. I let out a sigh, hopped in my car, and headed home.


I groaned at the sound of my alarm, absolutely hating to wake up in the mornings. I peeked my eye open, seeing I had an hour and a half until school started, and debated whether or not I had enough time to go back to sleep.

Everything is packed, Luca. You could sleep another twenty minutes.

I reached out for my phone, planning to set another alarm to wake me up but saw that I had about ten texts from the one and only Skylar Rowan.

Do I tuck the shirt in?

Am I supposed to look sporty or preppy in this? A lot of girls who where the bf's jersey have their hair curled and makeup on. Am I supposed to do that?

It's a football jersey tho, doesn't make more sense to look sporty?

Luca, I'm doing this for you, help a girl out.

My shoulders look HUGE.

Skylar had a few text messages of her freaking out before just eventually said that she would just ask Marlee since she is the "only Reid that has a brain".

I'm not quite sure when Skylar got so worked up about stuff that wasn't school, but I guess it makes sense. This is all new to her.

I sent her back a text, even if it is thirty minutes late, saying that I didn't care what she did. Since Skylar's freak-out had woken me up, I decided to go ahead and get out of bed.

I hopped in the warm shower, letting the water relax my muscles. Game days always stressed me out and I would somehow, unconsciously, tighten every muscle in my body while I slept. A warm shower has been a pre-game ritual since I was thirteen and has never failed me. Even though I would love to stay under the water forever, I knew I had to get ready.

I put in my khaki pants, my navy football jersey, (Skylar is wearing my alternating white jersey), and a pair of dress shoes.

I jogged downstairs, shocked at the sight before me. Marlee and my older brother Ezra sat beside each other as they ate their cereal. Ezra is about five years older than me and is preparing to take over Dad's company.

Ezra and I don't get along. Ezra and I may as well be twins, but he has always looked at my passions, like football, as nothing more than a phase and I will eventually grow out of it. Dad and Ezra still believe that I will grow up and become "a real man", whatever the hell that means. 

"What are you doing hear?" I asked, slowly walking to our refrigerator.

"Besides eating Emilia's food?" He asked, with an eyebrow raised.

I've never been able to tell if Ezra is joking and is genuinely that uptight. Marlee rolls her eyes at us, tired of us not getting along. She's lucky though, she's our baby sister and both of us would do anything for her. She and Ezra are close, not as close as Marlee and I are, but certainly close.

I nodded my head at Ezra, not sure what words would be considered "proper" for today.

" I decided I want to come and watch your little football game tonight. Apparently, well what words did mom say, 'it's important to you'". Ezra said, with a slight smirk on his mouth.

He went to MBPA, and he knows all about homecoming and how important it is, especially to a senior. Ezra just likes to point out he doesn't care about me, he's just doing it because he still respects our mother.

"Well that's nice of you, Ezra" I commented. I was still trying to figure out what to say when the ringing of my phone interrupted us.

I looked down at the contact seeing that it was Skylar.

She has never called me. What the crap has happened?

"Sorry, I need to take this" I mumbled, waking into the nearest hallway.

"Hey Rowan, are you okay? You're not backing out on me are you?" I laughed, hoping the laugh is covering up how much I fear those words to be true.

"I'm not a quitter Reid" she snapped. "But right now I am desperate"

"Okay," I said, confused about the direction of the phone call.

"Mom is at work, Dad's car broke down, Cleo refuses to go to school on homecoming Fridays, so that leaves you. Can you give me a ride to school, today"

" wow, Skylar Rowan asking for help." I grinned, but I already knew the answer was yes.

"Lucaaaa" she groaned "pleaseeee"

I let out a laugh but told her that Marlee and I would be there soon.

I walked back into the kitchen, grabbed my bags, and told Marlee that we needed to go.

"Wait stop Luca" Ezra called out, as I was walking into the garage with mine and his car.


"It's rude to answer the phone when you are talking to someone.
Especially to talk to your girlfriend over your family" Ezra said, shaking his head in a 'no' direction.

"Ezra, if that is rude then I'm proud of it"

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